26 Keys to a Successful Life That Are Proven Effective

26 keys to successful life

The internet has a plethora of keys to a successful life. The web sure loves to feed us with life advice, from health tips to life quotes. Though I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer, most of these success keys don’t work. I mean, if most of it were good, then I assume all of us are successful by now.

I think the problem with such advice is that it only focuses on shortsighted goals. And when I say shortsighted goals, I am talking about getting a new car, traveling to a European country, and even getting a promotion. No, there’s nothing wrong in striving for these shortsighted goals — disclaimer alert. But sometimes, we tend to cling to these goals so tightly that we neglect pursuing the goals that actually make an enduring difference. 

Spending time with our family. Influencing others. Giving to those in need. Establishing a business that sustains the needs of its employees. Aren’t these the things that leave a lasting impression? Aren’t these the indications that you’re succeeding in life? 

By now, I think that you already know what this article is about. Like most web results, I am feeding you with these keys to a successful life — but a less romanticized, long-term centered version. These keys to life success will definitely help you strive for your goals down the road. 

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26 Proven Keys to a Successful Life 

1. Say no to excuses, master self-discipline

When we hear about the word “discipline,” we always think of it as some sort of punishment — like starving yourself to stay within a certain calorie limit. As a result, just thinking about it makes us want to back out from our goals. But this time around, I challenge you to change the way you think.

One of the keys to being successful in life is to master the art of self-discipline. To do this, think about it as a key to the results you would like to have. Tell yourself, “I know that doing this is hard. But If I truly want to get the output I want, then I just have to keep going.”

Take reading for example. Not everyone enjoys reading; even some adults despise it. But would you believe me when I tell you that 85% of successful people read at least two books a month? And I am certain that not everyone from that 85% are avid fans of reading. Most of them manage to stay discipline because they are eyeing for an accomplishment.

If you’re having a hard time reading books, you may think of an alternative like listening to audiobooks. You may subscribe on Blinkist or other audiobook platforms. You can do it while jogging or driving.

Remember that discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment. You need it to keep yourself moving toward the life you’ve been dreaming of during the times when you’re full of discouragement

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2. Here’s the thing: patience is a key to success

Taking action is scary. It takes guts to reach the crest of a wave. But you know what else it takes to reach it? Patience. A long thread of patience until you start to reap big results. And I know it can be frustrating as hell, but sadly, there’s no clear-cut.

No matter how many times you look at that tiny spot of light at the end of the tunnel, there are times when you still wonder why success is not happening for you and when will it ever come. After all, it’s a human thing to constantly check your progress and beat yourself up when you don’t see any result.

Being patient is too difficult a task, especially when you are gripped with anxiety and constant need for validation — but it’s one of the tips for a successful life. Heck, it’s even the key to success in business, ask the most successful businessmen in the world.

Patience means accepting the fact that great walls take a long time to build. And weirdly enough, if you manage to make progress consistently and patiently, in time, that success you’re yearning for will finally happen.

Read: 30 Ways to Challenge Yourself Daily to be a Better Person

3. Believe in yourself — no ifs no buts

There’s a saying that saying beautiful things to a plant daily helps them grow, imagine what it does to people.

Sometimes, you need a lot of encouragement from other people. You want validation, and you want to feel a hand on your shoulder as you push further toward your life-long dreams. But sometimes, that “other people” can be you. 

One of the keys to success in life is believing in yourself. When other people ask you about your goals, don’t be afraid. Stand tall and say it out loud. After all, there are a lot of people in the world today who are actually living the dream. People might laugh and look at you funny, but that’s okay. Because once you’re at the pinnacle of success, it will finally be your time to laugh.

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4. Influencing others: an important yet overlooked key to a successful life

Oftentimes, we misunderstood being influential for being manipulative. While they are both different things, being influential means more about making changes to your own behavior.

Being influential means being someone others want to be around. If you want to be a people person, you need to exhibit positivity and respect — and most of all, you need to be engaging. 

It takes time to master the art of influencing other people. And maybe one day, these connections will finally pay off. But for now, think of them as your new-found friends.

If you want to develop yourself as a leader, this course will teach you the mindset, perspective, and skills required to move from management to a formal leadership role.

5. Preparation is key to success

It takes an awful lot of delicate and well-researched preparation to reap success. For what it’s worth, success is no magic; a half-hearted attempt won’t get you anywhere.

We all know that once the water starts flowing, we can’t get it back. Just like in every opportunity, there’s no reset button for when we mess things up due to being unprepared.

Actually, this key to success is related to discipline. When we routinely prepare ourselves for unexpected situations, we are also mastering our discipline. The small act of becoming prepared means we are disciplined enough to make time to prepare.

That’s why this time around, I challenge you to expect the unexpected and become prepared. If you want to become successful in life, dump the excuses, and create no room for procrastination.

Read: 4 Common Mistakes Made By Start-Up Entrepreneurs

6. Of course, passion for success.

You know the old cliche that says, “if you love what you do, then you never have to work a day in your life?” Well, it turns out to be true, after all.

Not even the determined can bear working 24/7 hours a week. But the passionate ones — they’re the ones who can stand the test time. And that’s because they love what they’re doing! Just like in every love story like Romeo and Juliet, they didn’t let obstacles get in their way of love. I believe that goes the same for success.

Being passionate is one way to succeed in life. When you’re passionate, there’s always that desire to go beyond the bare minimum. That’s why if you truly want to be successful, you have to find something you’re passionate about. From there, you can ask yourself, “how will I make this passion into a success story?”

Understanding what you do best is essential to succeeding personally and professionally. But often we are unclear on our own strengths. This mini-course Discovering Your Strengths will teach you a simple framework to identify your strengths and discover your natural gifts, passions, skills, and greatest abilities

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7. Consider coaching

Almost all society’s top achievers invest in personal coaching. With the right kind of coaching, they realize that there’s a way to double their production and results.

There are a lot of ways to get coaching. If you worry about spending a dime for this, then worry no more for some of them are free.

You may want to develop a personal board of directors. While it might sound expensive, you can set up one for free. Well, you only need two things: those in your life whom you know can give you wise advice and those who have achieved results.

But if you are opting for a me-time type of coaching, you might consider buying books. This might be costly for you, but you can buy a self-help book from your local second-hand bookstore.

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8. Enhance your decision-making skills and learn from your mistakes

In life, we are shaped by the decisions we make. Some decision-making tasks are no-brainers, like choosing what to wear or what to eat for breakfast. But there are times when we need to decide between complex options — and that’s when the ramifications of our decisions are the most important.  

However, there are times when we choose the wrong decision. Here’s a friendly reminder, though: we are human, we are bound to make mistakes. Those mistakes you cried about in the past shaped the person you are today. And if you are bound to make another mistake today, it will shape the person you are tomorrow.

While decision-making is one of the keys to a successful life, you also have to learn from your mistakes. Because at the end of the day, a mistake is just another life lesson. You can either dwell on it or utilize it for self-improvement— the choice is yours.

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9. Stay in the know

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Yes, knowledge is another key to success. And in this world where everything is rapidly changing, you need to step up and stay in the know

In case you haven’t noticed, the world is not the same as 10 years ago. From technology to our priorities in life, everything seems to be changing. And it’s time to face defeat and say that you can’t prevent any changes from happening. However, the only thing you can do is to keep your knowledge updated.

Minus the reading part, there are other ways to stay knowledgeable. For instance, you can make conversations with experienced people.  You can ask them things you’re unfamiliar with and respond with your own opinions if you can. It’s a fun way to learn, plus, you are doing yourself a favor by making new connections.

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10. Just keep persisting

You and I both know what persistence means. And just like patience, it’s enduring even when things get tough. But while patience is just the ability to endure the passing of time, persistence means to keep pushing and pushing and pushing. Talk about being stubborn.

Even if other people push you to change your direction, you won’t listen because you have your own wall to push. You must persist despite how hopeless it may seem — because you want to see the life you’ve dreamed of for yourself.

If you think about changing course, think back to when Steven Spielberg got rejected by the University of School California School of Cinematic Arts numerous times. Now, think about his award-winning films and his numerous awards. Had he given up during his college days, he wouldn’t know what victory tastes like today.

This goes the same for you. If what you’re doing aligns with your definition of success, then there’s no point in changing course. Stay persistent.

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11. Make a plan

You need to have a clear picture of what a successful life for you looks like and come up with a clear set of goals to get there.

Effective planning begins with determining what you want and writing them down in detail. It is essential to have a clear definition of success. This serves as the basis for your plan.

To be successful means to reach a goal. By this definition, without goals, you will never achieve success.

12. Prioritize your goals

As you implement your systems and good habits, you will likely discover that there is not enough time each day to work on every goal. Effectively manage your time so that the appropriate activities take priority.

Using techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix or just a simple numerical ranking system may be helpful if you need help with how prioritizing goals. Prioritizing your goals also entails not allowing things that did not even make your list to get in the way of pursuing what you did. In other words, refrain from allowing a conversation with a telemarketer to prevent you from working on your website.

13. Develop good habits

You can have great aspirations and big goals and still fall short. Another key to success is to turn your plans into actions. Repeated positive actions become beneficial habits. And once you establish the proper habits, you gain momentum.

Creating systems for your life while developing good habits can assist you in staying on track. You can create systems by grouping together good habits. Having a system in place can save you from having unplanned decisions or keeping track of all your goal-oriented tasks one by one.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

—James Clear

Instead, you comply with a daily routine that moves you toward your goals with little stress. This has the added benefit of reducing stress and allowing you to concentrate on tasks that truly require more mental capacity.

14. Learn from your mistakes

“The road to success is paved with failure,” they say. They don’t say that each piece of failure on that road likely looks different from the others. Success was likely the result of attempting (and failing) numerous methods. Yes, it is possible to fail on your path to success, but almost never by repeatedly committing the same error.

Failure is a component of the journey to success if it is utilized as a learning experience. Failure is helpful if it results in growth and learning.

Consider, for instance, a runner. Every race a runner loses is an opportunity to improve. If they increase their strength and experiment with new running techniques, they will likely see improvement. They may ascend from fifth to third to second place. Even though they are not in the first place, each race contributes to their ultimate success and brings them closer to the top spot.

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.”

—Michael Jordan

15. Try Different Strategies

The path to success is not straight. There are beginnings and endings, turns and detours. Anyone who claims to know your exact path to success is likely lying. As the creepy proverb goes, there are multiple ways to skin a cat. There are multiple ways to convey the meaning of that expression. Let’s create a new, pet-friendly proverb: “There are multiple ways to peel a banana.”

Regardless of how you phrase it, there are multiple ways to accomplish practically everything. Therefore, if, at first, you fail, try another approach. Try a new approach. Try to reach your goal from another perspective, with a different person, or at a different time. There may be numerous effective strategies. You must simply pinpoint the appropriate one. The only way to find it is to continue experimenting and changing until you find one that works.

16. Take smart risks

You may discover that you are attempting something completely new as you explore various strategies. It might be frightening. Taking risks is admittedly intimidating, but taking calculated risks can yield tremendous benefits. Taking a smart or calculated risk entails researching potential outcomes and assessing the possibility of success and whether the potential reward is worth the potential harm.

Risk-taking proficiency is a life skill that takes time to develop. As you learn to take calculated risks in life, you may experience a few painful downfalls. It is ideal to begin by taking small risks. As you gain proficiency, you will likely feel more at ease. However, comfort should not be the only deciding factor. Taking risks is commonly the only way to achieve success.

17. Master how to say no

Saying “no” is valued too little in our society. It can be distressing. If you listen to interviews with successful people, you’ll likely hear them discuss turning down great opportunities because they knew they weren’t the right fit.

Learning how to say no is a crucial success factor in life. Successful people constantly say no. Saying no requires knowing oneself, one’s limits, and the ability to determine what is worth one’s time and energy. Saying no to the incorrect option makes room for the correct option. It leaves room for the appropriate opportunity.

18. Invest in yourself

Someone once asked a wise man what the best investment could be. “Invest in yourself,” was his short, sweet, and easy answer.

Warren Buffett is the name of the man. He is known as the best investor in the world. Forbes says that he is worth $53.5 Billion dollars.

Hiring a life coach, buying healthy food, joining a gym, books, and going to school are not expenses. These things are investments in yourself.

Some ways you can invest in yourself right now are:

  • Eat healthy food. When you go to the grocery store after work, ask yourself, “What foods will feed my mind and body so I can feel and perform better?” You are setting yourself up for success by being aware of what foods will make you stronger. This will help you make better decisions.
  • Go train at the gym. Endorphins are released when you work out, making you feel great. It makes people more productive and gives them more energy. You’ll be better able to handle daily tasks and whatever else life throws at you if you spend time at the gym. You only need 45 to 50 minutes, and that’s the best time to aim for when you work out.
  • Start to read books. Everyone purchases books, but very few read them from cover to cover.
  • End reading to begin studying books. Even fewer read the books they purchase, and even fewer recall what they read. End reading and begin studying them instead.
  • Daily study for at least one hour. “One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. Within five years, you’ll be a national authority. In seven years, you can be one of the best people in the world at what you do.” —Earl Nightingale
  • Take notes. Never leave the house without a pen and paper. Often, the best ideas occur at the most unexpected moments; jot them down. You cannot rely on your mind to remember them. Additionally, writing it down immediately will allow your mind to store and generate additional ideas. 
  • Master a new skill. Learn something new each day, such as a new skill or word. One new skill per day is equivalent to 365 new skills per year. Imagine where you could be one year from now if you began today.
  • Do something beneficial for yourself. Hard work is indeed a significant factor in achieving success. However, at least once a month, do something fun, crazy, and spontaneous at least once a month that makes you feel alive. Have fun and have a good time.

19. Build a growth mindset

Carol Dweck’s research suggests that people have two basic mindsets: the fixed mindset and the growth mindset

Fixed-mindset people believe intelligence is static and unchangeable. They believe success comes from inborn talents, not hard work.

Because they believe such talents are inborn, they give up more easily when challenged. They quit when things are difficult because they lack natural talent.

Growth-minded people believe they can change, grow, and learn with effort. Successful people believe they can grow. When things get tough, they improve their skills and keep working.

How to build a growth mindset?

  • Recognize that your efforts have value. Rather than believing that abilities are fixed or unchangeable, you should believe that hard work and effort can lead to meaningful improvement.
  • Gain new abilities. When faced with a challenge, look for ways to acquire the necessary knowledge and abilities to overcome and prevail.
  • Consider failures as learning opportunities. Do not view failure as a sign of your abilities. Instead, look at it as a source of valuable experience from which they can learn and grow. Keep in mind that if a thing doesn’t work, try something different.

20. Improve your emotional intelligence

It has long been believed that general intelligence is one factor that contributes to success in various areas of life. Still, some experts believe that emotional intelligence may be even more important. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to comprehend, make use of, and reason with emotions. Emotionally intelligent individuals can comprehend not only their own emotions but also those of others.

To increase your emotional quotient:

  • Pay close attention to your own feelings. Concentrate on determining what you are experiencing and what is causing it.
  • Manage your emotions. Step back and attempt to view the situation objectively. Don’t stuff your feelings down or ignore them. Instead, look for healthy and appropriate ways to deal with what you’re feeling.
  • Actively listen to others. This requires hearing what they are saying and observing their nonverbal cues and body language.

21. Develop mental toughness

Mental toughness refers to the ability to persevere and endure in the face of adversity. People with this mental fortitude view obstacles as opportunities. In addition, they feel in control of their own destinies, are confident in their abilities to succeed, and are committed to completing what they begin.

What can you do to increase your mental toughness and your potential to achieve success in life?

  • Believe in yourself. Eliminate negative self-talk and seek ways to remain optimistic and self-encouraging.
  • Keep trying. Even when things appear unmanageable or repeated setbacks impede your progress, focus on ways to improve your skills and keep on going. One of the successful individuals’ most important habits is viewing setbacks and failures as learning opportunities.
  • Take care of yourself. Being resilient also requires that you need be kind to yourself. Check yourself frequently to ensure you have the resources necessary for success.
  • Look for opportunities for growth. Opportunities for self-discovery can be created by gaining a deeper understanding of oneself and by attempting new things.

22. Strengthen your willpower

In a long-term study, psychologists followed a group of children whose teachers were very smart. When researchers looked at how these people did as kids and as adults, they found that those who were the most successful in life had some key traits in common, such as perseverance and willpower.

These traits are typically a part of a person’s personality, but they can also be developed. Often, the key to achieving success in life is delaying gratification, learning to persevere in the face of hardship, and patiently awaiting the fruits of one’s labor.

You can improve your willpower in a number of ways, such as:

  • Distraction. For instance, if you are attempting to lose weight but are having trouble avoiding your favorite snacks, distracting yourself during your weak moments can be an effective way to resist temptation.
  • Practice. Willpower is something that can be developed through time and effort. Start by setting small, willpower-requiring objectives, such as avoiding sugary snacks. As you develop your ability to use your willpower to accomplish such small goals, you may discover that your willpower is also stronger when pursuing much larger objectives.

23. Focus on intrinsic motivations

What is it that most motivate you? Do you stay motivated to reach your goals because you know you’ll get something out of it, or do more personal, internal things keep you going? Money, awards, and praise are examples of extrinsic rewards that can be helpful, but many people find that they are most motivated when they do things because they give them personal satisfaction.

If you do things because you enjoy them, find them meaningful, or like seeing the results of your work, these are all examples of intrinsic motivations. While incentives can be better predictors of certain types of performance, research indicates that intrinsic motivators tend to be better predictors of performance quality.

What can you do to increase your internal motivation?

  • Challenge yourself. Pursuing a goal that is attainable but not necessarily simple is a brilliant way to increase success motivation. Challenges can keep you engaged in a task, boost your self-esteem, and provide insight into areas where you can improve. Selecting a moderately difficult task will motivate you to get started; it feels exciting!
  • Maintain your curiosity. Consider topics that stimulate your interest and about which you want to learn more.
  • Take control. It can be challenging to remain intrinsically motivated to pursue a goal if you lack a sense of control over the outcome. Consider ways in which you can play an active role.
  • Do not fear competition. Other individuals may be pursuing the same objectives as you, but you should not give up. Do not compare your journey or progress to that of others. You can look to others for motivation and inspiration, but keep in mind that everyone has a unique journey.

24. Nurture traits linked to high potential

According to more recent research, specific characteristics are frequently associated with success. Ian MacRae and Adrian Furnham, two researchers, have found six important traits that can affect how well people do at work. However, they note that these traits have optimal levels. Both having too little or too much of these traits can hinder one’s ability to achieve success.

If you want to know how to be successful in life, think about what you can do to develop these essential traits:


People who are conscientious consider the consequences of their actions. They also consider the reactions and feelings of others. To develop this quality, you should:

  • Think about the consequences of your actions
  • Consider the perspectives of others

Accepting of Ambiguity

Many situations in life are not always clear. Those with greater success potential are more able to tolerate this ambiguity. Instead of being rigid and inflexible, they are adaptable in the face of the unexpected. To learn how to accept ambiguity, you should:

  • Challenge your perspectives and consider the perspectives and ideas of others
  • Be brave about unfamiliar
  • Be receptive to change
  • Value diversity

Capable of Adjustment

In addition to being able to tolerate ambiguity, success frequently depends on the capacity to adapt quickly to change. To develop your ability to adjust, you should:

  • Reframe challenging circumstances so as to view them as learning and development opportunities rather than as obstacles to overcome
  • Be adaptable; when plans or circumstances change, take a step back and think about how to deal with it.


The most successful people in the world are frequently courageous. They are willing to take risks, despite the possibility of failure. According to research, courageous individuals utilize positive emotions to overcome fear.

To improve your tolerance of risk, you should:

  • Eliminate negative emotions and concentrate on more positive feelings
  • Balance risk with common sense and be cautious and pragmatic depending on the circumstances.


Successful individuals are typically inquisitive about the world around them. They are always eager to acquire new information and abilities. To  develop a sense of curiosity, you should:

  • Relate tasks to your interests: If you find filing tedious, find a more efficient way to categorize the information so that you can play to your strengths as an organizer.
  • Obtain new knowledge


Successful people are able to use competition to motivate themselves while avoiding falling victim to envy. To foster a healthy competitive spirit, you should:

  • Focus on your own development instead of worrying about being the best at something
  • Be happy for the success of others

Some types and traits of personality may be better for some jobs than others. But no specific trait can guarantee success, and not having that trait doesn’t mean that someone will fail.

26. Avoid Burnout

Burnout can occur when an individual is exposed to chronic stress. It can hinder success significantly and lead to exhaustion, pessimism, and diminished performance. 

Reduced motivation makes it more difficult to adhere to your goals and can lead to feelings of apathy and disinterest.

Self-care strategies, such as adequate sleep and healthy eating, can help alleviate some stress. However, addressing burnout frequently requires determining the root cause of the problem.

Occasionally, this may require reevaluating your goals. If your goals create too much stress or you try to accomplish too much too quickly, you may experience burnout. Consider ways to reduce your stress, such as adjusting your goals, altering your plans, or taking more significant measures like relocating or switching jobs.

Now that you know the keys to a successful life….

A while ago, you just searched the web for an answer to “what are the keys to success?” And now that you’ve found the answers, what are your next steps?

No amount of web searches can tell you what the next event will be. Perhaps it will be another failure, or perhaps, if you’re lucky, you are just a few steps to success. But always remember that in the grand scheme of things, success is a mysterious process. You will never know when it will happen. But one thing is for sure, though: it won’t happen overnight.

There will be times when you get discouraged. Life will make you feel like you are not making any progress. There might even come a time when you will feel like stopping. But just like I said a while ago, you need to be patient and persistent.

No matter what your long-term goal in life is, whether it’s a successful business or a better parent to your children, don’t forget to apply these 10 keys to a successful life. 

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