Why Our Mindset About Success Is Wrong, and How To Fix It.


Let’s change our mindset about success. We quickly get discouraged when we take action and fail. We are very impatient until we decide to quit.

You decided to lose weight and after your first workout, you want to see a quick result. Success is like a tree, it doesn’t grow overnight even though we badly need it to happen.

My formula to success is ”work hard first, convenience later”. That’s the reason why we can’t reach our goal because we want to reverse the formula.

We are deceived by some people who tell you that in 2 weeks you become successful. Then, our mind is convinced and conditioned that success can actually happen overnight. Beware of those people.

I’m not saying that success can happen far too long. Of course, it is also the amount of hard work and sacrifices you want to pour into your business.

It’s the willingness to learn more and improve yourself no matter how hard it is. It’s the willingness to practice being patient despite we exerted something big effort and ended up failing.

When you fail, and you learn from it, then you stand up and try again, you will be getting closer to your dream.

In business, it’s not always smooth sailing. But when you are already comfortable in failing and you already know how to deal with it, you will be unstoppable.

If you already see failure as an opportunity to grow, you are going to reach your dream.

Remember, it’s better to ask for seed than ask for a tree. Because if that tree is damaged, you don’t know how to plant one. But if you started planting a seed, the lessons and experiences are already part of your life. And you become a better person, a person who sees failure as an opportunity to grow. A person who already established patience inside his mind and body.