4 Reasons Why We Don’t Take Action To Reach Our Dream and How To Fix It


I believe that you have a dream for your family and loved ones. But the problem is no matter how strong our dream is, it is still hard for us to take action to reach it. Why? Let’s talk about it.

Here are the 4 reasons why we don’t take action to reach our dream and how to fix it.

1) You want perfection than progress

You tell yourself “when I become ready I will do this and do that”. The problem here is that you want to finish a big task now than making progress and you ended up doing nothing because you are waiting for yourself to become ready or everything should be perfect first before you want to take action. Let me give you an example.

You want to lose weight and plan to go to the gym but you haven’t started yet because you have no new running shoes to be used. But in fact, you can borrow from your friends or use what’s available that you already have.

You want to lose 10 pounds at the end of the month and if it didn’t happen you decided to quit and never taking action again. Why? Because we want our set goals to happen perfectly as we expected.

How to fix this? Change your mindset about success. Reaching your dream can’t be achieved in one day. Also, even though you set a clear goal with a deadline, there is a high possibility that it won’t happen. Why? because no one can predict what exactly is going to happen in the future. (I’ve tried this in my 10 years experience in running a business, I failed).

So instead of waiting for the things to become perfect and ready, make progress every single day. Just do what you can do today to get you closer to your dream.

2) You focus on other people’s judgement

You don’t take action because you don’t want other people seeing your mistakes. Now, I want to change our attitude on this. If you see someone is failing or making mistakes, don’t judge or make laugh at him. He is also like us who wants to reach our dream.

In my opinion, one of the reasons why we are afraid to make mistakes is because we don’t want to be judged by others, BECAUSE sometimes we judge others when they make mistakes. So in order for us to FEEL free from judgment, don’t judge others as well. I did not say that no one will judge you because you don’t judge them. My point is you don’t feel guilty and stay positive. I hope you get my point.

It’s very important to decide where you want to put your focus on. I understand that sometimes we are not aware and automatic for us to focus on what other people say that ends up not taking action. That’s why we need to practice self-awareness.

We should always be aware when fear of judgment of others is dominating our mind and decision to take action. The solution is not to put hatred in our heart against them, instead, focus on your dream and the process to get there.

Related: How To Deal With People Who Don’t Believe In Your Dream

3) Lack of confidence

Lacking confidence can really stop you from taking action. If you are going to a place where you don’t know how to get there, you might be hesitant to go there. So what do you need? Knowledge and skills.

I always say that we need to improve ourselves if we want our business to improve. Improving ourselves requires time, effort and focus. Watching TV is really easy to do than reading book. Why? because it satisfies our short-term happiness. Reading a book or doing important things don’t produce quick happiness and satisfaction. But if you really want to reach your dream, you need to sacrifice short-term happiness with a long-term one.

If you want to build your confidence, you have to learn more. Watch video tutorials on YouTube on a particular topic that you need to learn. Read more articles, ask questions from real people from Facebook Groups, watch free webinars and use Google to search the things you need to learn.

In today’s time, there are no more reasons not to learn. You can’t blame your mother, relatives, and other people if we are not making progress towards our dream. The only person to put the blame on is you.

How to fix this? If you scheduled to watch your favorite movie at night, you can also schedule a time to learn to improve your knowledge and skills.

In my case, I spend a 30-minute book reading. Then, I write the things mentioned in the book that I need to learn (because not all books cover all the information you need). I Google it and plan my next actions on how to implement it to my personal or business improvement.

If I knew that I need to have an Email Marketing Software for my business, I will schedule to search, learn and implement it.

Learning and executing is really hard but it becomes easy to take action if you always remember your dream. That’s the secret.

Imagine your dream as if you have already reached it. Imagine the happiness. Then, plan your next actions to get there.

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4) We often forget our dreams

There are lots of distractions in everyday life. Sometimes we are not aware that we are wasting our time looking at the photos of your favorite celebrities on Instagram. Knowing a gossip like “a celebrity couple splits up because of third party issue” doesn’t help you reach your dream. Sorry to say, but it’s a waste of time.

The reason why we do these unproductive things is that we have a dream but we often forget it. We have a dream but we don’t know how to get there (so read the #3 again).

Related: My Bad Habit That You Should Avoid In Running a Business

Again, I’m not saying to remove the things that you love to do. I just want you to make an honest judgment about what we do in our everyday activities. If you think the outcome is bad and we are not progressing towards our goals, maybe you have to decide and plan your daily activities to become productive and efficient to get you closer to your dream.

Again, always remember your dream and always focus on the process to get there.

I hope this message helps you. If so, please share it with your friends. Thanks for the time.