How To Properly Use Facebook Page To Promote Your Product Effectively


I know you are busy, so here’s my answer: Build trust by providing valuable content for your target market. Let me explain the details below if you want to take time to read.

I see many people used their Facebook Page to always convince people to buy their product. There’s nothing wrong promoting your products but what’s not good is that all your posts are promotions.

Doing that strategy will not build trust with your target market. Your brand will not stick in the minds of your prospective customers even your products are really helpful and can solve problems.

Now the question is how can I build trust? Here’s the hard work comes in. If you give something for free without expecting in return, that’s how you can build trust.

Let me give you a real-world example. Let’s say you sell skin care products. You can post a short article (in the description part) with a nice photo that guides your target market on how to apply a moisturizer correctly. You can download a free photo here.

If you can’t shoot a video that’s fine. You can use text format with a native language you know (tagalog, bisaya, kapampangan, etc…). You might be afraid to post it because you don’t want to make mistakes in giving “how-to” to your target market. I understand that. That’s why it’s important that you know your topic and product very well (another hard work).

At the end of your article or text, don’t promote anything. Don’t even mention your product. You might say, “it’s unfair, I worked hard (researching, etc…) to make that “how-to” article and you tell me not to promote my product?”. Yes, because if your target market feels that you really care for them, you get closer to gain their trust. Remember, your goal is to build trust, not to sell.

So your question might be, “so can I now promote my product since I already posted a valuable content for free?”. NO. You have to be consistently providing valuable content without expecting in return. In today’s business world, people are now aware of scammers and liars. So in order to change their perspective with your brand, you have to be consistent, authentic and show real care for your target market.

Your question now is “How many contents should I post in order to promote my product?”. It depends. If you see that people starting to like, comment and share your post maybe that’s the time. I said “maybe” because it depends on the level of relationships or trust you have built with your target market.

If you feel that you already work really hard giving free valuable content, that’s the time to promote your product. In promoting, I suggest focusing on promotion. Let me explain. When you give free valuable content, you don’t promote, right? Now, when you promote, don’t use too many flowering words. Show them that you are really selling something that can solve their problems.

Now, when no one buys it? Don’t get discouraged. They are already aware of what you sell. They might be planning to buy in the near future. So what you need to do is to keep posting free valuable content. Always stay in touch with your target market. Your Facebook Page should always be seen on their timeline.

To give you a better perspective about what I’m saying…

Post #1: Free content
Post #2: Free content
Post #3-10: Free content
(if you started to see some likes, shares, and comments)
Post #11: Promote
Post #11-20: Free content
Post #21: Promote

I hope you get my point. That’s how we build trust with our target market. Remember, always be authentic and show real care. Then, they will feel that and it will be easy for them to buy your product.

But of course, if you have successfully built a strong relationship with your target market, mentioning your product in free content can be possible but please take extra care. I just laid out a proven effective method in promoting a product using Facebook Page but you can always check and validate if your strategies are working or not.

I hope this article helps you. Please share it with others.