The Magic Only Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

Comfort Zone

If we want to become a successful entrepreneur we have to be comfortable with discomfort.

In reaching your dream, don’t pick a task which is only easy to be done. Pick a task whether it is hard or easy as long as it moves you towards your goals.

Because if you just pick the tasks you just WANT to do instead of you NEED to do, you will enjoy it but deep inside you feel guilty because you know that the only way to get closer to your dream is by doing things outside of your comfort zone.

So don’t just sit there and dream. Because dreaming alone will just make you feel inspired but it will never happen.

Don’t wait for your fear to disappear, because you have to conquer your fear.

Don’t wait for the perfect time, because you have to create the perfect time.

Don’t wait for things to become easy, because magic only happens outside of your comfort zone.