30 Goals to Set For Yourself To Live a Better Life (2023)

30 goals to set for yourself to live a better life

Having goals to set for yourself is part of what makes up humanity. As the world goes through constant and stressful changes, it is our human instinct that persuades us to shift gears and take the bulls (the changes) by the horns.  

If you have personal goals to set every year, you are perhaps aware that goals are not a one-time-two-time thing; it is not made for fickle minds nor journal decorations. One must persevere and turn it into a routine until they see the outcome. It may not be a smooth sea to paddle, but trust me, it will be worth it.

What are personal goals?

Personal goals can help individuals take steps to bring their ambitions and dreams to life. These are often tailored, trackable and achievable aspirations that can assist in reaching one’s potential. Some personal goals might involve making physical improvements, mastering a craft, strengthening relationships, advancing their careers or obtaining financial stability.

To create successful personal goals, it is best to outline a clear vision of what you want to achieve and setting achievable action plans with timelines.

Being open-minded and reflective is vital in order to adjust the goals when needed as well as holding yourself accountable during your journey.

If you don’t have one yet, it is never too late to set personal goals for 2023. In this article, I would like to share with you a list of goals to set for yourself to live a better, fulfilling life.

30 Goals to Set For Yourself To Live a Better Life

1. Set a goal for your morning and stick with it!

I understand that not everyone is an early bird; some are night owls, while some are afternoon eagles. But there will come a time when you have to change your habit and shift your productivity time.

The internet may be chock-full of ideas for your morning routine, but no one can constitute your ideal morning routine but you.  We all work differently, considering our different biological rhythms, personal preferences, and productivity tactics. You may go for a 30-minute jog if that’s how your body prefers to kickstart the day. Or you can watch an episode of your favorite series if that’s what floats your boat.

 You must plan a morning routine as it sets the tone for your whole day. If you do it right every day, you’ll do life right. Once you get your perfect, custom-designed morning routine, you are on your way to a fresh start.

Read: How To Use Failure As Your Motivator

2. Set a goal to declutter one item a day

When you’re setting goals for 2020, be sure that you make room for only the things that matter. There’s no reason to keep those junks lying around the house—if anything, clutters act as energy zappers which can lead to depression in the extreme.

Decluttering one item a day won’t be too big a task. You can pick up an old box of shoes and throw it in your decluttering bin. If you are feeling extra, you can go through your cabinet of stuff you are afraid to throw away. Reevaluate each item and ask yourself, “Will this box of chocolate be useful in the future?”

3. Read books: an empowering goal to set for yourself

“How do I make my goals for 2020 somehow phenomenal?” The best answer to that is to challenge yourself to read as many books as you can. For starters, it’s okay if you start with one book per month, there’s no need to rush! Find a book that you see yourself being invested in. Read non-spoiler reviews and make a book journal.

The best part about reading a book is it introduces you to a new world of ideas and invites you to solve problems.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a self-help book, a literary fiction, or a book for dummies, you are free to read whatever you like—there’s no judgment here!

4. Create a workout routine that complements your lifestyle

Creating a fitness routine is one of the ideal goals to make if you want to be a healthier version of yourself. For some, the idea of creating a fitness routine seems intimidating. But here’s the thing: your fitness routine can literally be whatever you want it to be.

You can do core exercises if you don’t feel like doing cardio, and vice versa. You can even do general cleaning—that counts as a workout too! When the weather is nice, take your dog for an hour of a long walk.  

Just do it consistently, and over time, you will find yourself feeling good and amazing.

5. Go meatless (at least once a week)

2020 is all about a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you never skip eating healthy as one of your goals for 2020. 

From intermittent fasting to a ketogenic diet, various diet plans are made for different body types. If you want to take it to the next level, why not try going meatless at least once a week?

Studies show that plant-based foods are heart-healthy unsaturated fat, unlike animal products that are high in saturated fat. Plus, it shows that vegans have lower rates of cancers than that of meat-eaters. 

Not only is veganism health-friendly, but you will also contribute to the health of the environment. By the way, did I forget to mention that veggie burgers taste as delicious—if not better—as the regular ones?

6. Create a monthly budget for your long-term goals

Oftentimes, we prance about when it comes to money-related goals. But this time, challenge yourself to create a monthly budget.

You may be reluctant to take this important step because you see it as a nuisance and a headache. But try to look at it this way: A budget plan will help you reach your dreams. It will help you track your money to make sure that you are on the right track—may it be getting out of debt, saving up for a home, or working on to start your own small business.

Budgeting allows us to create an expenditure plan to ensure that we have enough money for our necessities. So be sure to make this one of your personal goals to set this 2020 and enjoy as you see your financial goals come within reach.

7. Learn a new instrument and go jamming with your friends

Do you remember the sense of possibility and excitement you felt when you tried something for the first time? Maybe not anymore. This time, try learning a new instrument; those feelings will surely come back flooding your veins like a tidal wave.

Whether it’s a string, key, or pad instrument, treading a new path of musical adventure is one of the good goals to set this year.

Learning a new instrument is a fantastic way to have fun with yourself. The first few days may be difficult, but trust me when I say it’s worth your time. Whether your reason is to escape well-worn patterns or to change perspective, trying out a new instrument is a fun hobby to explore. You can invite your friends to go jamming with you too!

8. Love yourself, drink more water

About 75% of us live our lives chronically dehydrated. Show yourself some love and remind yourself to drink at least 8 glasses a day.

Drinking water helps us maintain the balance of the body fluids crucial to our body’s digestion, absorption, and circulation. Plus, water carries nutrients to all the cells and oxygen to our brain.

You can use your Fitbit app to track your water intake if you want. There are also apps out there like Plant Nany that are explicitly designed for tracking your water intake.

9. Become a plant parent 

Creating a jungle-esque home that we often see on Instagram is a lot easier than it seems even if you weren’t born with a green thumb. It is much less work compared to parenting actual children or pets. What’s more, plants give vibrancy to your home and happiness in every bloom.

Succulents are trendy these days. They make an excellent ground cover and room decoration for that cozy finish you are looking for. But you can go for whatever type of plant you want—the pot is all yours.

10. Make time for self-care (not just skin-care)

A lot of you think self-care is just about pampering yourselves. You think stuffing your face with moisturizers and high-end serum is the only definition of self-love. Just so you know, self-care is also about mental health, physical health, and maintaining a healthy sleeping habit.

If this isn’t one of your personal goals to set this year, it definitely should be!

Read: 5 Habits that Every Entrepreneur Should Know

11. But still make time for skin-care too!

Let’s be honest, great skin is not just a matter of DNA—your daily habits have an impact on what you see in the mirror too. Let curating an effective skin-care routine be one of your personal goals for 2020.

Your routine doesn’t have to be a 9-step process like the skin-care influencers suggest. Try switching to a minimal routine with maximum results. Think of your routine as a three-step process: cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. 

Once you find the skin-care routine that works best for you, make it your daily ritual that fortifies your day. But remember to give it time; results are only seen through consistent use!

12. Make time to reconnect with your old friends

As we grow older, we meet new people and the older ones die out. You and your old friends might have gone separate paths, but this year, give reconnection a try and reach out to those who—at some point— became a huge part of your life.

Reconnecting with an old friend will teach us one funny lesson about life: Nothing is permanent. It will remind you just how far you’ve come in life and how these people sculpted the person you are today.

When life is too tough and you are lost in the sea of the unfamiliar, be sure to give that old friend a phone call. I promise it will get better.

13. Set a goal to revive your lost passion

When was the last time you grabbed your paintbrush and watercolor set? 

If your past few years were solely dedicated to tending to life’s bigger tasks, try to become a little bit self-centered this year. Revive your lost passion, whether it’s painting, writing, or yoga. 

This is the best year to revisit the things that once brought you such joy and peace of mind. Make sure to put this in your list of personal goals for 2020.

14. Make time for your parents

If you haven’t been spending time with your parents lately, now is the best time to do so. Take them to that new ice cream parlor by the end of the street, watch old nostalgic films—make everything up for them.

To live a better life, you must learn to look back at the people who were there for you when you were at your worst. Start with your parents.

15. Another self-centered goal to set for yourself: go on a solo date

Taking yourself on a date is both liberating and empowering. While spending time on your own, like going on a solo journey might feel intimidating at first, in time, it will leave you feeling accomplished and inspired.

You may be used to going out in pairs—which is totally normal. This time, summon your independence to travel alone and explore new things. Doing so can help you unearth hidden emotions and allow you to discover more about yourself. It’s an epic date paired with life-changing lessons!

16. Become a better team player

Challenge yourself to contribute to your team actively.

Understand that your team’s success is your success too. Actively listen to what your team member says and offer help in solving the problem.

Collaboration is what makes the world progressive. Be sure that you become a part of it by sharing your ideas and taking action.

17. Join a volunteer organization

Volunteering offers a lot of help to people in need. But you may not know that the benefits can be greater for the volunteer. It can help in enriching your life, getting out of your comfort zone, and dealing with real-world problems.

 While your main reason to volunteer is to assist those less fortunate, there’s no shame in admitting that you want to do it for yourself too. Make this year your year of altruism and peace of mind!

18. Create a gratitude journal to keep track of the goals you set for yourself

I understand how life can be difficult and overwhelming. But making a gratitude journal can help you focus on the things that matter the most.

Are you tired of your 8-5 job? Your gratitude journal will remind you that your job is the same job that pays your bills and the things you want. It’s the same job that pays for your cravings and weekend strolls.

Thanks to your journal, you will end up feeling more thankful and inspired.

19. Set up a bedtime routine for yourself

Your body goes through massive chores and challenges every day. Try to reward yourself with a 7-hour sleep at the very least.

You might take sleep for granted because of the pile of tasks you need to accomplish when it shouldn’t be. This year, set up a bedtime routine and stick with it. Believe me when I say that getting a night of adequate sleep will lead to more productivity by the next day.

Be sure to put getting a good night’s sleep in your list of personal goals for 2020 if you haven’t yet.

20. Break bad habits

Bad habits can often lead us astray, whether it’s taking a cigarette break when stressed or biting your fingernails when anxious. Oftentimes, these pesky habits can take a toll on your mental health leading to severe repercussions.

Focus on breaking these bad habits by replacing them with good habits. If you’re a smoker, remind yourself to chew gum whenever you like smoking. By doing so, your brain has a more positive, tangible action to resort to than your bad habits.

21. Become a better person by introspecting

Lately, we are so caught up in a culture that doesn’t give us enough time to sit and reflect. Never do we have a free moment from distractions and thoughts of the modern world. However, there is still a way to break away from this societal conditioning—and that’s through introspection.

Take your power back by using the art of introspection to unravel your values; create a little space each day for soul digging. In this way, you’re on your way to a path towards a better understanding of yourself and you will be able to decide which best action to take for your long-term goals. 

Read: 2 Winning Habits To Help You Stop Complaining

22. Spend less time on the internet

 I noticed that people are too invested in the things they see online—the trends, gossips, cancel culture—that they end up absorbing them.  While checking your social media accounts from time to time won’t cause you harm, being so consumed by the internet realm can hurt your productivity. What’s more, it can lead to dissatisfaction, leading to depression.

This might sound ironic since you are on the internet reading this—but after this, take some time off your phone to do something much worthy and productive. Limit your social media visit and you’ll notice a less stressed version of yourself.

23. Build an emergency fund is yet another financial goal to set for yourself

This world is full of unexpected events; one day you are in good shape, the next day you feel chilled to the bone. I’m trying to say that you should be ready to face adversities that will require you to shell out.

Make an emergency fund one of your personal goals to set for yourself this 2020. It will save you away from qualms and shark loans.

24. Learn a new language

Learning a new language feels like a break away from your mother tongue. Not that you should get tired of it, but sometimes, learning something new makes you feel uplifted and excited. 

You don’t need to immediately have the perfect French accent or grammar—while you should also aim for it. Just set a goal each day or week to study a certain category. Eventually, you will be able to construct a perfect paragraph in your mind. 

25. Time to change your wardrobe and reinvent your style!

Now is the perfect time to free your closet from the clothes you don’t wear anymore. Turn those unwanted clutters to cold cash by setting up a garage sale in front of your gate.

If you want a fresh style, this year is the right time to do that too. Try to narrow down your personal style so that you don’t have to clog your closet with clothes you won’t likely wear. If fashion isn’t much of a priority to you, you can opt for a minimalist wardrobe this year.

26. Online Business: a financial goal to set for yourself

As an adult, you know how important it is to save up for the future. You also know too well that your 8-5 job won’t supply you that much money for the future, especially if you are always jampacked with expenses. What another good way to save up for your future than starting an online business?

One advantage of having an online business is it won’t interrupt your full-time job. You can proceed with your daily work while putting your online business on the side. You can also talk about this with a friend so you don’t have to shoulder the whole capital.

26. Say “yes” to new people

This year, challenge yourself to meet new people. Get out of your comfort zone. Find a platform where you can meet new friends—online or at a party- by the block’s end. Conversate with people who have the same set of interests as you. After all, surrounding yourself with birds of the same feather will make your world much more fun to live in.

27. Say “no” to procrastination

If you have been putting off your task almost every day for the past couple of years, dare yourself not to fall into that same well again. Think of the times you disregarded a task until the day before the deadline. I bet it stressed the soul out of you. 

Finish your tasks as early as possible. I know it’s easier said than done but try to condition yourself to think more positively by acting on it. Eventually, you won’t have to deal with much stress and you will have more time for yourself.

Read: How To Overcome Laziness

28. Set a goal to clean out your inbox

Most people have been putting off the task of organizing their inbox for months, if not years. Well, enough is enough.  This year, let’s clean things—specifically our inbox—shall we?

You likely use your inbox daily, so you are already aware of what important emails you get regularly. As you figure out who is bombarding you with many emails, search for an unsubscribe link. If you can’t find one, you are free to mark the messages as spam.

29. Be a film-buff

The elderly have molded us into thinking that we’d go squared eyes if we watch too much TV. They wanted us to believe that watching too many movies can be bad for our physical and mental health. However, did you know that watching movies can inspire you to be a better person?

Take social commentary films—like “Get Out” and “Parasite”—for example. These films subtly tackle social issues by mixing them with other friendly genres like comedy or horror. Through a deeper perspective, you will be able to perceive the social gap between the rich and the poor. With that, you will be able to reevaluate your perspective on the issues you encounter every day.

30. Review your past mistakes

I know how hard it is to look back at your past mistakes—especially the grave ones. But it is an essential process to better yourself. 

There are mistakes that you would rather forget. However, time will come when it will come back to haunt you again. You have no choice but to face it head-on and acknowledge it. Yes, you’ve done a big mistake in the past, haven’t we all?

If it concerns another person, put your pride aside by asking for forgiveness. Conversely, learn to forgive yourself too; it’s the only way you can move on and along with your goal of self-improvement.

Once you add this to the list of goals to set for yourself, I can assure you that you are one step closer to a better life.

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