30 Important Life Lessons to Become Successful

Important Life Lessons

A person’s life is a continuous learning experience. Throughout our lives, we experience bliss and delight, and at the same time, we also experience hardships and struggles. I know what you’re thinking: is there any way we can skip the hardships and just be alive for the happy moments that life can offer? If only wishing stars are true, I would’ve whispered the same to the sky. 

But if you come to think of it, if you sleep throughout the hard phases, you probably wouldn’t be the same person you are today. Without the rough patches, you wouldn’t know the life lessons that shaped you to become a better person whom your family, friends, and loved ones cherish.

Here are the most important life lessons you will learn and experience over the years. Hopefully, they will be able to help you in your career development as they did to me.

1. It’s alright to fail.

Failure is such a scary experience, which is probably why we always hide it from our friends. But if there’s something I’ve learned from failures, it’s that it is not the end-all-be-all. Rather, it is a part of the process that will prepare us for bigger battles. 

One of the biggest life lessons I’ve learned is that you need to take a break and clear your mind if you experience failure. You can use that time to contemplate what worked and what didn’t. 

2. One of the most important life lessons is to not take things personally.

A lot of employees pitch ideas to their team leader and when the team leader doesn’t respond, they will assume that the team leader hated their pitch. But 99.9% of the time, the only reason he didn’t respond immediately is that he was busy.

One thing you should remember if you want to succeed in your career is that not everything is about you. Your life will be much happier if you don’t take things personally.

Read: 8 Things to Remember When Pursuing Your Dreams 

3. If you make yourself kind, you will always be needed by others.

We all want to feel necessary to other people. And I’ve learned that if you want that to happen, you have to show that you are indeed necessary. Do your best to show others that you are capable of helping them in ways that you could. Careerwise, you must learn to create and innovate something that other people can use.

4. Expressing gratitude is one of the life lessons you should do daily.

It’s hard to be a full optimist in an era where everything is crumbling down. Still, you have to do your part by taking a moment of your everyday life to acknowledge the good in life. The best way to do this is to create a gratitude list of at least five things you are thankful for in your life. Then, you can email it to yourself or have each family member say what they are thankful for during dinner.

5. Every journey of success starts with one small step.

If there’s any life lesson you should know by now, it’s that life is all about taking risks. No matter what the outcome of taking a risk, either way, you will become more resilient and will grow through the process. In your career, in relationships, and life, your success starts with a small step fueled with a desire to become better and do better.  

6. It doesn’t matter what other people think — one of the hardest life lessons to learn.

I’m sure most of us have learned this the hard way. And cutting off toxic people in our lives is not the easiest thing in the world. But if you want to be successful in your career, you have to get rid of the people that are bringing you down. Just let them bark at you, and don’t take it personally. Remember that what they say about you only reflects their own insecurities.

Read: 5 Brilliant Ways to Improve Your Career Development 

7. Determination always pays off.

Either for your personal or career projects, you know that there’s nothing hard work can’t fix. But here’s the catch. It’s not enough to work hard, you also need to work smart. If you want to become successful in your career, you need to gain new skills and be determined to achieve them. 

8. Money is not all that makes up happiness. 

One of the most important life lessons you’ll realize is that more money won’t make you happier. The more you grow older in your career and as your salary increases, the more you are prone to be stressed. If you want to be rich, you need to realize that money comes with responsibilities. 

9. Another of the important life lessons is all about communication.

The secret key to eliminating misunderstandings and issues is communication. If you think about it, every process in your life is related to communication, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be verbal communication. If you want to live a happy and prosperous life, you should start communicating your ideas and opinions better.

10. Your goals should be flexible.

Making plans for your life and sticking with it is indeed a great skill. But keep in mind that life will often steer you into new directions that you never expected when you created your plans. With that being said, your plans should be flexible. Don’t be afraid to change and tailor them to the current situation you’re in.

11. Being helpful will make you happier.

So many people ask what they get in return for helping others. Well, it gives you all the greatest non-tangible things that you could ever ask for in life: happiness, health, appreciation, and satisfaction. When you help others, it also connects you to them, which is one step to building a happier society for everyone.

12. You are defined by what comes out of your mouth.

The way you speak and the words you say have the power to define you. People see you and remember you as to how you speak and interact with them. Be careful in choosing your words as they have the power to create and even destroy.

13. One of the biggest life lessons you should learn is that education is never complete.

No matter how many certificates and diplomas you’ve earned in this lifetime, there are still a lot of things you haven’t gotten the hang of yet. As I’ve said a few paragraphs ago, life is a continuous learning experience. Therefore, you have to prepare for what life has to teach by accepting all the lessons in everything you do and experience.

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14. Always strive for 100% in everything.

I’ve learned this in David Richo’s book How to Be an Adult. If you want to have a successful career (or even life), you have to ask for 100% of what you want from 100% of people 100% of the time. As long as you don’t do it with entitlement, being vocal about what you need will eradicate inconvenience and discomfort on each other’s end. 

15. Appreciate rejection.

Here’s something to make your chin up. If you’ve been rejected many times, remember that every rejection is one step closer to the next yes. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Get used to the feeling of being rejected and appreciate it. In the end, you’ll get the yes you’ve been waiting for. You just have to put up with the rejections first. 

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16. Humility is one of the life lessons you’ll learn from great heroes.

Most of us are so focused on being outstanding that we overlook the importance of humility. Humility is what keeps us growing — both in and out of the ring. And if you’re already at the pinnacle, it is what will maintain you in that position. So always be humble because it keeps you coachable, regardless of how much you already know. 

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17. Defeat is not always bitter.

There’s no way you will not experience failure. If you are a risk-taker (which is a good thing), there’s a higher chance that you will fail many times. But losing is not always bitter if you’re smart enough not to swallow it. 

18. Forgiveness doesn’t only benefit the receiver.

One of the most crucial life lessons I’ve learned is that if you want to move on, you have to forgive first. It is the bravest and most selfless thing to do, especially when it’s hard to do so. The secret to a successful career is never to allow grudges to add to the weight you carry. They will only burden you on your road to success.

19. People who talk about others behind their back also talk about you behind yours.

Never be assured that your “friend” won’t talk about you behind your back, especially when they talk to you about someone behind their back. These kinds of people are not your real friends. There are many non-gossip people out there you can befriend. If you’re lucky you can befriend someone who can help you in your career development too.

20. One of the most underrated life lessons: getting a daily dose of nature.

We don’t talk about nature as a form of therapy enough. Appreciating nature is a nice way to be present at the moment. It makes you feel appreciative of everything you have in life. So go ahead and connect with nature in some way. Watch a tree as it moves, listen to the sound of the wind, and watch the sunset from a beach.

21. Ask whether what you’re doing will matter in a year.

When you’re facing a dilemma, always ask yourself first, “Will this matter in a year?” If you want to do something that will completely change your life, like taking time off work to take care of your parents, don’t be afraid to do it. A year from now, you’ll realize that you made the right decision.

22. Those who seldom fail seldom stumble upon innovation.

Another thing about mistakes is that they are proof that you are improving, discovering, and creating. Mistakes don’t mean that you’ve done something wrong. If anything, they are proof that you’re doing something right.

23. Enduring changes start with daily habits.

The only way you can get to your dream future is to start incorporating that into your life today. Create habits that will affect your future, and eventually, those habits will snowball. With just the right amount of persistence and luck, you’ll find yourself in the life you’ve dreamed of.

24. Always treat people with kindness: one of the most treasured life lessons to learn. 

Just like you, everyone is also striving for happiness and success. Winning in life is not a winner-take-it-all kind of situation. Showing kindness and understanding towards others may cost little, but it pays rich rewards to everyone. Plus, as someone also aiming for their dreams, you also want to be treated with kindness and respect.

25. You have the choice to become bitter or better.

You have the power to let your circumstances make you bitter or better. Your attitude is always up to you. No matter the situation, always remind yourself that you have a choice. And it’s up to you what kind of results you want to achieve.

Read: 101 Motivational Quotes to Inspire You Today 

26. You just have to keep walking if you’re in the right direction.

If you’re lucky enough to be on the right path, just apply your skills and always show passion and love in what you do. If you’re still in the process of discovering what you want, keep exploring. Either way, don’t forget to stay determined and persistent.

27. Your thoughts are as powerful as they may seem — another one of life lessons to keep in mind.

One of the salient life lessons you’ll learn is the importance of making your thoughts positive. To have an abundant career, you have to think in the infinite terms of abundance. Your freedom to think is one of the greatest power you possess, so use it to think positively.

28. A good reputation is more important than money.

Money won’t buy you a good reputation. Rather, reputation is built on the foundation of your character. It is a reflection of the words you speak and the actions you take. Take good of your character as it won’t be fixed with any amount of money.

29. Accept and enjoy the present.

Life is always changing. You probably won’t experience today a few days or even weeks from now. The best thing to do is accept the ebb and flow of life and make sure to enjoy every phase you’re in.

30. You are in control of your own mind. Don’t let it control you. 

Underlying all the life lessons I’ve mentioned above is the reality that you have full control of your mind and your thoughts. Your choice as to how you use your mind will give you control over the course of your life. If you choose kindness, mindfulness, and love, it will set your future for you. And if you choose meanness, selfishness, and hatred, it will do the same.  But bear in mind that the more you opt for the good things, the more of the good things you’ll have in your life. 

These life lessons you have and will experience not only contribute to your personal development — they also play an important role in your career success. If you are going after a successful career, you need to take a closer look at all the life lessons and follow them by heart.