What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed


As an entrepreneur, it’s normal that sometimes you feel overwhelmed and stressed. That proves that we are human who needs God to rely on and cry on.

Sometimes you don’t feel productive and you just seem to want to delay your tasks. I have to admit and be honest that I frequently feel stressed and overwhelmed.

So the first secret to turn those negative feelings around is through PRAYER. It is a very effective solution to all our problems.

I also learned not to rush things. Whenever I’m stressed, I just stop. I take a deep breath and do nothing but just focusing on my breathing. Focus breathing can make you feel relieved.

I also listen to my favorite music to make my mind and body regain its good mood.

Remember, when you are working hard it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed. That’s part of the game. Stress should not be the reason for you to stop pursuing your dream.

Becoming an entrepreneur is really a hard job, but that hard work always pays off. Just rest if you must but never quit.