
30 Ways to Challenge Yourself Daily to Become Successful

Have you considered taking a big step to challenge yourself daily? If yes, then you’re on the right track.

I know a lot of people who are afraid to take on new challenges⁠—to push out their boundaries, and get out of their comfort zone. They are locked inside their tiny bubble of fears⁠—and at times, complacency⁠—that they miss out on the opportunities that the world is handing them. At the same time, I know how difficult it is to burst that bubble especially if you’re already used to that kind of living. But there is always time to make up for those missed opportunities; all you have to do is to face your fears and challenge yourself daily to do simple tasks that are worthy and valuable. 

Why you should challenge yourself?

Take on the challenge to grow your skills and achieve success! Stretching yourself out of your comfort zone will help build resilience and self-confidence, allowing you to uncover hidden potential. By taking on challenges, you’ll have a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Challenge yourself today for personal and professional growth. Unlocking your full potential and carving out a life of purpose an growth begins with that first step: accepting the challenge.

Now,  I challenge you to do these 30 things daily to attain personal development and growth. Are you up for the challenge?

30 Ways to Challenge Yourself Daily To Become Successful

1. Face your fears inch by inch

The first step in challenging yourself is to break down your fears into manageable chunks.

For instance, if you have stage fright, try to overcome it by performing in front of a small crowd. It can be your family or friends whom you trust. Take small, doable steps until you can perform in front of hundreds, if not thousands, of people.

2. Challenge yourself daily by working on building good habits

The best way to self-improvement is to abolish your bad habits. But how do you do this without feeling overwhelmed? The answer is by trading it for good ones.

If you tend to eat compulsively whenever you’re under stress and pressure, the best thing to do is to replace it with a good, non-self-destructive habit⁠—like going for a walk or listening to relaxing music. 

3. Plogging: a 2-in-1 way to challenge yourself every day

Ever heard of plogging? Think squats while jogging. 

Plogging is when you go for a jog while picking up litters along the way. It’s a fun way to stay healthy while contributing to the environment. Plus, a half-hour plogging will burn 288 calories for the average person, which is 53 calories more compared to the calories burned by jogging alone. 

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4. Volunteer for a cause closest to your heart

We all have a cause or two that are closest and dearest to us. However, most of us don’t put much effort into volunteering. Sure, a monthly donation can be a big help to the organization and the people in need. But have you considered showing up and making use of your strength to help at a local non-profit?

This time, challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and volunteer. It’s a great way to meet new people while making changes in the community⁠—definitely a win-win situation!

5. Find time for your family and loved ones

Your loved ones have always been there for you⁠—when you’re at your peak and even when you’ve hit rock bottom. Find some time for them. Go on a movie night and have their favorite fast food delivered.

Spending time with them requires minimal effort, but that very same effort will make them feel valid and appreciated.

6. Spending more time alone can be a great way to challenge yourself every day

As good it is to mingle with other people, you also need to take some time off to introspect. Yes, solitude and silence can be ironically deafening. But you have to do it for you to get to know yourself better.

By doing so, you are free from the influences and worries caused by external entities. Challenge yourself daily by exploring your feelings, needs, and fears. Start by spending more time alone!

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7. Make use of #6 to create a self-growth plan

Since you’re spending time alone, make use of that time to re-think your life decisions. How do you want to improve yourself? What are the areas in your life that you think are lacking? 

Once you do this, I challenge you to stick with your self-growth plan; it will help you become an all the more considerate, loving, and positive person.

8. Master the art of “brain dumping”

There is something about writing that makes it stick; you connect better with your thoughts and goals you have on your plate when you write it down.

Grab a piece of paper to “dump” or write all the thoughts that are running in your head at the present moment. 

9. Learn to let go of the unnecessary

May it be a person or a thing, an important path to self-improvement is letting go of the objects that cause you more harm than good. Cancel out the toxicity. This time, put your focus on the things or people that bring out the fine fettle in you. 

10. Don’t resist changes

Changes are the only thing constant in this relentlessly evolving world. Challenge yourself to go with the flow; accept that changes are an inevitable part of mankind.

To do this, persistently edify and improve yourself. Remember that when life forces you to change, don’t resist it⁠—rather, use it as a tool for self-improvement.

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11. Challenge yourself daily by waking up earlier

Mornings are the best time of the day if you are into challenging yourself further, that is. It’s the most peaceful time to do yoga, meditate, and take a sip of coffee before the mayhem sets in. Plus, it’s amazing how starting on the right foot in the morning can make such a big shift in your productivity.

12. Less judgment, more happiness

If you find yourself constantly judging others, it’s time to dump that habit⁠—regardless of whether it’s a root of jealousy or just an unconscious behavior. 

Once you stop focusing on their flaws, you can start empathizing and appreciating their good qualities. In return, you can start living in the present moment with a much happier, positive outlook.

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13. Challenge yourself to do 1000 jump ropes a day

Challenging yourself to do at least 1000 jump ropes daily will help improve your foot coordination and balance. It can be an amazing HIIT workout too as you are guaranteed to burn more calories for five minutes than you would when walking a treadmill for the same amount of time.

What are you waiting for? Grab that old, childhood rope from your garage and start jumping now!

14. Set a goal and make it happen

Breakaway from your routine by setting a new goal. 

Make sure that your goal is SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based) and pay attention to how you set them. Just like Aristotle said, “Well begun is half done.”

Read: 30 Goals to Set For Yourself To Live a Better Life

15. Challenge yourself daily by rekindling an old passion

Passions and hobbies give us an outlet for catharsis. By challenging yourself to reconnect with an old hobby, you are allowing yourself to explore, meditate, and self-express.

16. Learn how to save up

Setting a savings goal can be a challenge considering how you need to cut off your expenses to make way for it. But try to look at in the long run. Eventually, you’ll be thankful that you challenged yourself in this way.

Read this to know more about how to set and reach your savings goals.

17. Never stop craving for knowledge

Whether it’s a new word or a new skill, always make sure that you learn a thing or two every day.

You are raising the bar for yourself when you adopt a student mentality. Challenge yourself to never stop learning and to crave for new knowledge.

 In this way, you are giving yourself an escape when you need it and knowing when you seek it.

18. Challenge yourself daily by taking social media detox

Sometimes, you need a cut and run from the dramas and toxicities of social media. Practice some self-love by putting away your phone or laptop for at least one hour each day. Use that time to do something productive or recreational.

19. Prep and cook your meals

How to challenge yourself towards a healthy and money-wise living? Learn to prepare and cook all your meals every day. This means no vending machines, no packaged food, and no microwavable meals.

The only downside is that it can be time-consuming. But hey, it can be fun if you want it to be!

20. Be kinder

Well, this goes both ways. To grow, you have to be kinder both to others and yourself. Show yourself a little self-compassion rather than flagellating yourself with over-the-top criticisms. When you are kind to yourself, it radiates to other people. Then, you get to live a happier, satisfactory life.

21. Meditate

Remember that self-care is not just about skin-care and bubble baths. Self-care means freeing yourself from stress and anxiety through meditations.

Luckily, some apps can help you with this task. Try Calm or Headspace.

22. How to challenge yourself every day? Start writing!

Writing may sound basic, but the actual act of turning your ideas into a tangible entity isn’t always easy.

When you have a spare moment, take that time to write about your ideas or expertise. This will allow you to think deeper and challenge your beliefs.

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23. Strengthen your relationships

While some relationships can be more challenging than the others, you need to make an effort to nurture each of them. After all, relationships are the center of humanity.

24. Keep a journal

Not everyone has to know what’s inside your mind. But it can be hard if you’re someone who has a lot of anxious thoughts. This time, I challenge you to write in your journal every day; it’s a good way to keep your anxiety at bay.

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25. Challenge yourself every day, declutter your home!

As an adult, nothing feels better than sleeping in a peaceful and tidy space. Make sure that you find some time to declutter all your unneeded stuff.  Not only does it give you a little free space, but decluttering also provides you a sense of control and accomplishment.

26. Go after your life long dreams

Think about it, what are the things you’ve always wanted to do, but you’re too afraid or too busy that you never got to do it?

Make up for your life long dreams starting now. You don’t have to hasten the process. If anything, it’s better if you take gradual steps towards it.

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27. Visit a museum

Sometimes, it’s better to spend money on experiences rather than material purchases. Such experiences, including going to museums, bring you more happiness and provide you positive personal reinterpretations. Plus, they can become a meaningful part of your identity and can be a contributing factor to your successful relationships in a way that material items cannot.

So think about taking some time off and visiting a museum with a loved one.

28. Take the stairs

“ How do I challenge myself in the simplest way?” Perhaps this is the best answer I can give you.

If you have no time to do workout activities before or after the day, I believe that climbing the stairs is the best option for you. It’s a simple exercise that can combat a sedentary lifestyle. What’s more, it comes free⁠—you don’t need to sign up for a gym membership!

29. Meet new people

Not everyone is a people person, I’ll give you that. But life is all about making connections and besides, no one’s going to bite you just because you approach them⁠—but you might get snubbed at the very least.

Give it a shot. Go to parties and conventions. Interact online. Initiate a forum thread. There are so many ways to make new friends, all that’s left is for you to grab those chances.

30. Pat yourself on the back

When was the last time you ever praised yourself for accomplishing something? You’ve done a great job; it’s time to pay yourself a compliment.

It won’t hurt your wallet to take yourself out on a solo movie date or buy yourself a new pair of shoes too. It’s only right that you reward yourself after overcoming a harsh and chaotic obstacle, the same you would to a friend or a family member.

Final thoughts

Never stop challenging yourself! From honing your existing skills to learning new ones, seeking out experiences and opportunities that are outside of your comfort zone, setting realistic yet challenging goals, taking calculated risks, and adopting a positive mindset – these are all key components that will help you grow personally and professionally. It can be hard to push yourself out of your comfort zone sometimes, but it is absolutely essential if you want to lead a successful and fulfilling life. So get ready to challenge yourself and start reaching for the stars!

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