
What To Do When You Lose Motivation

I believe the reason you started or planned your entrepreneurial journey is that you have a dream. Because a dream is our motivation to get going even it’s hard.

You imagine how beautiful your dream is and you hope that someday that dream would turn into a reality.

Along the way in pursuing your dream, at some point, you would lose motivation. Maybe some outside negative influences that make you feel hopeless. Maybe your failures make you lose motivation to continue.

Maybe people around you make you forget your dream. Maybe the problems we encounter make us think to just quit. There are lots of things that distract us and make us feel unmotivated.

My advice is, it’s normal we feel these things. Because if you don’t feel quitting maybe your dream is not big enough. Or even our dream is small, still, we feel unmotivated sometimes to pursue it.

To regain your motivation, re-imagine your dream. Picture out the happy moments with your loved ones like you already have reached your dream.

For me, whenever I feel unmotivated doing my tasks, I stop and go to a quiet place where I can think or imagine my dreams. I also imagine the negative result if I will not take action.

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