Career Development

Learn Top Skills to Help You Future-Proof Your Career

Learn the top skills to help you future-proof your career. Why? Employers in the present year are now shifting in the way they hire, promote, and reward.  Instead of concentrating on educational attainment and other criteria, they rather ask “what can you do?”.

Skills have an essential role in growing professionally for the future workplace. Keeping them sharp will make you stand out and stay competitive.

We listed the top skills LinkedIn members added to their profiles across all professionals. We divided them into two: soft skills, and hard skills.

Top Soft Skills to Future-Proof Your Career

Soft skills are in demand across industries. They will help you land the job aside from

We looked at the top trending skills added to LinkedIn profiles across all professionals. These are the soft skills that showed up the most. Learn the top trending soft skills today to ensure you have the skillset for what’s next.

1. Leadership – Leadership Tips, Tactics, and Advice with Elizabeth Lotardo & Lisa Earle McLeod

2. Communication – Communication within High-Performing Teams with Daisy Lovelace

3. Problem-Solving – The Secret to Better Decisions: Stop Hoarding Chips with Seth Godin

4. Management – Be the Manager People Won’t Leave with Laurie Ruettimann

5. Time Management – Time Management Fundamentals with Dave Crenshaw

6. Strategy – How to Make Strategic Thinking a Habit with Dorie Clark

Top Hard Skills to Future-Proof Your Career

Hard skills are your job-specific skills. Employers often look to these skills to decide whether to call you in for an interview. They’re the ones most affected by the ever-present whirlwind changes in technology.

These top hard skills are the ones that showed up the most on LinkedIn profiles.

1. Customer Service – Serving Customers in a Continuously Changing World with David Brownlee

2. Sales – Asking Great Sales Questions with Jeff Bloomfield

3. Accounting – Lean Accounting Foundations with Joshua Rischin

4. Business Development – Business Development: Strategic Planning with Meridith Powell

5. Marketing – Marketing Foundations: The Marketing Funnel with Brad Batesole

6. Digital Marketing – Digital Marketing Foundations with Brad Batesole

7. Sales Management – Sales Management Foundations with Drew Boyd

8. Finance – Financial Basics Everyone Should Know with Michael McDonald

9. Social Media – Social Media Marketing Foundations with Brian Honigman

10. Sales & Marketing – Create a Go-to-Market Plan with Deirdre Breakenridge

11. Financial Analysis – Corporate Financial Statement Analysis with Earl Kay Stice

12. Engineering – Python for Engineers and Scientists with Michele Vallisneri

13. Social Media Marketing – Social Media Marketing: Strategy and Optimization with Martin Waxman

14. SQL – SQL for Non-Programmers with Julianne Thouin




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