If you display these 9 behaviors, you’re more intelligent than you realize

How truly intelligent are you?

The concept of intelligence is intriguing. Often, our true intellectual capabilities go unnoticed.

Most of us may never undergo an IQ test, and even those who do might not gain a comprehensive understanding of their intelligence, given the inherent flaws in IQ tests as measures of cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, not everyone is brought up to value or recognize their own intelligence.

While wrongly attributed to Albert Einstein, the quote “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid” holds a certain truth.

Intelligence is occasionally revealed not just through verbal expressions but also through actions.

If you identify the behaviors listed below in yourself, there’s a strong likelihood that your intelligence may surpass your initial estimations.

1) You are adaptable

Have you ever pondered how humans rose to be the most dominant species on Earth, despite lacking sharp teeth, claws, speed, or physical strength?

While misquoting historical luminaries, let’s consider a sentiment Charles Darwin didn’t precisely express, though it encapsulates his findings: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Change stands as the fundamental law of the universe. Few certainties rival the inevitability of life undergoing transformations. Your success hinges, in large part, on your ability to adapt to this inherent change.

Simultaneously, individuals with high intelligence exhibit a superior capacity to navigate an ever-changing world.

“Smart people adapt themselves to survive in any setting,” notes psychiatrist Aneel Shafi. Psychologists concur that the brain’s adaptation to the environment is pivotal in understanding intelligence and its functions.

In essence, an intelligent mind is one that can adeptly adapt.

So, if you’ve observed your knack for adapting to optimize any situation, it might be an indication that your intelligence surpasses your initial assessments.

2) You are humble

It might be assumed that individuals with above-average intelligence would display arrogance. However, quite often, the opposite is true.

Several factors contribute to this phenomenon.

One reason is that arrogance tends to lead individuals to close themselves off to new information. Believing they already possess complete knowledge, they may forego the pursuit of further learning. This can result in a gradual decline in their knowledge and may even create the illusion of diminished intelligence.

Another explanation for the humility often seen in intelligent individuals is their recognition of the vast extent of what they don’t know.

This is exemplified by the well-known psychological concept called the Dunning-Kruger effect. It elucidates how, when someone starts learning about a subject, they initially overestimate their mastery. As their knowledge deepens, they come to realize the expansive scope of the topic, leading to a corresponding decline in their self-assessment of expertise.

Interestingly, thinking one is not particularly intelligent might paradoxically signify a higher level of intelligence.

3) You’re curious

Unyielding curiosity serves as a significant indicator of intelligence, extending its influence even into the animal kingdom. Animals that exhibit higher intelligence levels tend to display greater curiosity.

A study led by researcher Sophie von Stumm and others reinforces the idea that curiosity, characterized by a ‘hungry mind,’ stands as a key predictor of high academic achievement. Numerous studies echo this conclusion.

Moreover, while intelligence and knowledge are distinct concepts, it holds true that engaging your mind in learning something new can enhance your intellectual capacity.

In essence, the inclination to be curious and the desire to acquire new knowledge not only signify intelligence but may also contribute to making you smarter.

4) You read

A formidable intellect craves nourishment, and for the discerning mind, a good book stands out as one of the finest reservoirs of knowledge and pleasure.

The connection between intelligence and reading poses a bit of a chicken-and-egg dilemma. Do naturally intelligent individuals find reading more accessible and enjoyable, or does reading itself contribute to making people smarter?

“Knowledge does play an important part in general intelligence, and reading offers an excellent way to boost your knowledge,” asserts an article on Healthline.

Furthermore, engaging with written material provides exceptional exercise for critical and intellectual skills.

It’s essential to note that enjoying recreational reading doesn’t automatically equate to greater intelligence compared to those who don’t indulge in such pursuits. The relationship is nuanced.

Nevertheless, if reading ranks among your preferred pastimes, there’s a substantial likelihood that your intelligence exceeds your self-assessment.

5) You’re open-minded

Cultivating an open-minded approach toward the perspectives and experiences of others is not only a commendable character trait but also a discernible indicator of intelligence.

Research indicates that individuals with higher intelligence are more inclined to hold views that extend beyond the mainstream. This inclination is, in part, a reflection of their innate curiosity. Intelligent individuals possess a genuine love for acquiring new knowledge, driving them to remain receptive to learning from others.

This openness contributes to a more nuanced worldview, further enhancing their intellectual acuity. In essence, the combination of curiosity, open-mindedness, and a willingness to learn from diverse sources enriches their intelligence.

6) You are sensitive to the people around you

Some individuals possess a heightened sense of empathy, displaying a keen sensitivity to the emotions and feelings of those around them. Interestingly, there appears to be a correlation between this sensitivity and intelligence.

Linda Silverman, the director of the Gifted Development Center, has noted the connection between intelligence and sensitivity. According to author and founder of IntrovertDear, Jenn Granneman, Silverman’s extensive work with over 6,500 gifted children revealed a correlation between giftedness and sensitivity, with highly gifted individuals often embodying traits associated with sensitivity.

The more one learns about people, the more attuned they become to the nuances of others’ emotions and opinions. Consequently, it’s not surprising that individuals with higher intelligence often exhibit greater sensitivity.

Therefore, if you find yourself to be an empathetic person, it could very well be an indication that your intelligence surpasses your self-awareness.

7) You spend time alone

Do you find solace in solitude, actively seeking out moments alone without any qualms?

Interestingly, this inclination could be an indication that you are more intelligent than you might realize. A thought-provoking study, rooted in the savanna theory of happiness, uncovered a unique pattern. While individuals in densely populated areas generally reported lower levels of happiness, the presence of social connections often correlated with increased happiness—except for those with high intelligence.

Surprisingly, the study revealed that highly intelligent individuals tend to be less happy the more time they spend socializing. For them, the key to happiness lies in ample alone time. This preference may confound those who thrive on constant social interaction, but intelligent individuals recognize that sometimes, there is no better company than one’s own.

8) You’re skeptical

By now, you’ve likely observed that open-mindedness is a prevalent trait among intelligent individuals. However, what sets smart people apart is their ability to blend this open-mindedness towards new ideas with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Skepticism, in this context, doesn’t imply outright rejection of new information. Rather, it involves subjecting any incoming information to a rigorous process of analysis to discern its veracity.

This combination of open-mindedness and skepticism is a key factor behind why intelligent individuals often develop more well-thought-out opinions. Their inherent skepticism, applied to everything, allows them to navigate more efficiently toward the truth.

9) You are creative

While everyone possesses some degree of creativity, it’s undeniable that certain individuals exhibit a higher level of creative prowess than others.

Creativity isn’t confined to composing symphonies or producing blockbuster movies; it can manifest in various forms. Whether it’s finding innovative solutions at work or approaching problems in a unique way in your personal life, creativity can be expressed in myriad ways.

What’s particularly noteworthy is that creativity often correlates with intelligence. Numerous studies have substantiated the idea that a creative mind is indicative of higher intelligence. Therefore, if you find that your mind tends to gravitate towards creative endeavors, it’s a positive indication that intelligence is also at play.

Signs of intelligence

Indicators of exceptional intelligence don’t always align with our expectations, and some highly intelligent individuals may navigate through life without fully realizing their intellectual prowess.

If you recognize certain traits in yourself, it’s a strong indication that your intelligence surpasses the average. Perhaps it’s time to acknowledge and embrace the intelligence that resides within you.