
This 40-year-old introvert makes $2 million a year—3 things she always does to ‘look and feel more confident’

Photo: Victor Chung

Her name is Selena Soo. People are often taken aback when they hear that she is an introvert, particularly considering her job entails a lot of socializing and relationship building.

Numerous misconceptions surround introverts, such as being shy, avoiding social interactions, and shying away from risks. However, that’s not true in Selena’s case. She has managed to establish a thriving publicity business that yielded over $2 million in the previous year.

She is living proof that one doesn’t need to be an extrovert to achieve success. To appear and feel more confident, she consistently follows three key practices:

1. Double down on her strengths

Introverts can often be overly self-critical, but Selena Soo chooses a different path by focusing on her strengths to boost her confidence.

For Selena, this involves facilitating the achievement of others’ goals by bringing them together at retreats and networking events.

During times when her confidence wavers, she turns to her “praise folder,” thoughtfully created on her iPhone. In this folder, she saves screenshots of text messages, social comments, and emails from people expressing gratitude and thanks. These uplifting words serve as a reminder of her competence and success in her profession.

Additionally, Selena finds empowerment in wearing bright colors. Without uttering a word, these vibrant hues naturally draw attention and help her assume the persona of a more outgoing individual when the situation calls for it.

2. Focus on quality over quantity

Selena Soo embraces the fact that she may never feel entirely comfortable in the presence of large crowds, as she values thoughtfulness in her responses and sometimes finds it challenging to keep up with fast-paced group conversations. Nevertheless, she has come to accept this aspect of herself.

During networking events, Selena reminds herself that she doesn’t need to engage with every single person in the room. Instead, she finds more value in forging deeper connections with two or three individuals, knowing that meaningful interactions outweigh superficial small talk.

In terms of creativity, Selena opts for quality over quantity, distinguishing herself from her extroverted counterparts who may churn out a constant stream of content.

She acknowledges that she might not be a content machine with new ideas every day. Instead, she focuses on creating fewer but highly intentional and impactful posts on social media.

3. Limit activities that drain her

You won’t often find Selena working on her laptop at a co-working space, unless she’s there for socializing purposes.

She cherishes the significant amount of alone time she needs to feel at her best and prefers the tranquility of working quietly from her apartment, free from distractions.

The exhaustive nature of being in meetings all day takes a toll on her, so she has sought out helpful alternatives.

For instance, Selena utilizes Loom, a video messaging platform, to effectively share ideas and updates with her team, resulting in saving over 100 hours that would have otherwise been spent in meetings.

When colleagues wish to discuss collaboration opportunities, she invites them to chat on Voxer, a walkie talkie app.

As an introvert, Selena limits her public speaking engagements and interviews to once a year or primarily during significant launches.

Afterward, she retreats back into her introvert shell to focus on her business. This approach aligns with her sense of well-being and authenticity, allowing her to achieve tremendous success while staying true to herself.

Selena Soo, an accomplished publicity and marketing expert catering to entrepreneurs and influencers, boasts a remarkable track record of serving over 4,000 clients. For those interested in staying updated with her endeavors, they can follow her on Instagram.


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