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The First Failed Attempts

I’m always fascinated with my business experience. Because almost all of my first attempts were wrong.

Let me tell you a little bit of my business story.

We had built our FIRST product and we were excited to promote and market it. Since we had no any idea about marketing and advertising, we recklessly rented our FIRST pricey billboard.

The billboard stayed for almost a year, persistently hoping for a sale. Nothing had happened only cash burning.

We terribly thought that everyone was our customers. It was a wrong perception.

We then learned that you must first identify your specific customers, their problems, and the place or medium where their eyeballs are staring at.

Unfortunately, the billboard wasn’t the best medium and it’s not the effective way to advertise our product.

We got our FIRST client. Positively hoping for a smooth and happy relationship. But it turned out to a painful and hard experience.

Our product failed miserably. It had lots of errors. Our customer support was poor. Because of this, our client was not satisfied. And that was the first time we received a legal complaint. They demanded a full refund while the money were already long gone.

We ended up with a one million peso debt. We wanted to quit but we couldn’t because the client would chase us. We had no other choice but to continue and find ways to fix it.

We then learned that it’s not enough to have a product and sell it without a sense of serious responsibility.

I can’t recall all the first failed attempts we’ve been through in business. Some of which were small. But those experiences became my eye-opener to turn my look at a brighter and positive part of the seemingly bad situation.

Mostly, we are hesitant to take the first step because of the fear of failing. We tend to expect a perfect and smooth path to success which is impossible to attain.

If we want to make progress towards our dreams, we must remove the mental barriers that hold us back. There’s no other way but to replacing and nurturing a strong and positive mindset that encourages action.

Again, let’s embrace the reality that most of out first attempts will be likely leading to a failure. But be cautious with your action and plan ahead. Failure can be less damaging if serious preparation and dedication are implemented.

I hope that you’ve learned something. Thanks for reading.

God bless us always.

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