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Best Strategies of Time Management for Growing Business Owners

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we often juggle numerous responsibilities such as planning meetings, strategizing marketing plans, managing budgets, monitoring sales, and networking. It can all get overwhelming! But one resource that we often need to take into account is time. Time is everything for entrepreneurs, so making the most of our 24 hours each day is vital. Fortunately, you can use several time management strategies to run a successful business effectively. These may include allocating specific tasks to certain timeslots or setting clear goals and sticking to them. So don’t waste any more valuable time – let’s get started!

What is time management?

Time management is the ability to manage the amount of time you spend on activities, tasks, and responsibilities. It involves making deliberate decisions about using one’s time and prioritizing essential tasks to be more efficient, productive, and successful. With good planning and organization, effective time management helps one do what matters most while meeting all commitments.

How can we better manage our time? Time management has existed for decades, from Henry Ford’s assembly line to modern-day organizational tools and apps. Our time is valuable and should be treated with intention and purpose like money. Unfortunately, there is no easy solution to developing better habits when managing our time. Understanding the triggers that might cause poor decision-making in this regard can help put us on a path toward success.

Why is effective time management important for entrepreneurs?

Time management is an essential skill for entrepreneurs, as it helps them to make the best use of their resources. It also allows entrepreneurs to maximize productivity in a limited amount of time. Doing more with less is a strategy most successful entrepreneurs apply, as they must operate with fewer staff, resources, and budgets. Time management is also a way of showing your worth to your company or clients. Good time management can help you get promoted or even save your job. By understanding and adequately executing priorities, entrepreneurs can demonstrate practical time management skills, leading to business success.

20 Creative Strategies for Time Management

Choose a technique that works for you.


Time management strategies are an essential part of success for entrepreneurs, and one popular strategy is called timeboxing. This technique divides tasks into manageable “timeboxes,” each lasting no more than three hours. For example, if writing a blog post, you could break the task down into a two-hour timebox to complete the outline, followed by another three-hour timebox to start the first draft. By breaking work into smaller chunks and allocating specific amounts of time to each task, entrepreneurs can progress steadily over days or weeks. They can ensure that their goals are being met efficiently and effectively.

Time Blocking

For entrepreneurs looking for strategies to manage their time effectively, a great option is the practice of time blocking. Instead of scheduling exact amounts of time for each individual task, time blocking consists of setting specific times in your schedule for different related activities, such as working on projects, communicating with colleagues, or taking some well-deserved rest. This strategy allows you to focus without interruptions and dedicate more time to tasks that require a creative flow or deeper concentration. To create an effective time-block system, start by determining your daily or weekly priorities and then group together similar tasks. Finally, add these blocks of focused time into your calendar to help ensure that you stick with your schedule.

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro method is an excellent option for entrepreneurs seeking effective time management strategies. This strategy involves breaking work down into short 25-minute intervals, taking breaks of 5 minutes in between these intervals, every 4th break being longer at 20-30 minutes. To use this strategy, an individual should have a timer, a prioritized to-do list, and set notifications to be snoozed. As research suggests, the Pomodoro technique is effective because it actively encourages regular break periods, which helps with intrinsic motivation and creativity. During breaks engaging in physical activities or checking smartphones is recommended, provided the 25-minute working period remains uninterrupted and focused on the task at hand.

Eat the Frog

One effective strategy for time management is the ‘Eat the Frog’ method. This approach encourages entrepreneurs to focus on the most critical and complex tasks first before tackling lesser-priority tasks. To use this strategy, entrepreneurs need to ensure that they are tracking their work and priorities in one centralized system. It is also helpful if they can link their daily tasks and company goals so as to identify better which ones should be given higher priority each day. Once the most important task has been completed, entrepreneurs can move on to other tasks for the day.

Pareto principle

The Pareto principle can be an invaluable strategy for entrepreneurs looking to maximize time management. This technique tackles 80% of tasks in 20% of the time available, freeing up the remaining 80% for more complex projects and activities. This concept starkly contrasts the “Eat the Frog” method, as it encourages you to get smaller tasks done quickly to boost your sense of accomplishment before diving into the bigger things. Also known as the “80/20 rule”, this approach can help entrepreneurs efficiently use their workday and maximize productivity.

Getting Things Done (GTD)

The GTD method is a strategy that recommends organizing tasks and removing clutter from your mind to increase focus. This approach encourages storing all of one’s work related-information in an external source such as a task list and thereby answering the question “What do I need to do next?” without any fear of work activity slipping through the cracks.

This method requires you to capture all of your upcoming tasks in one place. You can sort and prioritize those tasks based on urgency and necessity. It also allows you to group tasks that require collaboration or have dependencies. Writing down every task and its details helps you take productive action on them when needed.

Tips to finish tasks more quickly and efficiently

Connect daily work to goals.

A successful time management strategy starts with assessing your work in relation to the team or larger organizational objectives. This will enable you to prioritize tasks by their importance, helping you be more efficient and effective at completing the most important tasks on your plate. By connecting your daily tasks to broader goals, you can better identify what’s worth dedicating your resources towards.

Prioritize and prioritize again.

To make the most effective use of your time, it is essential to prioritize upfront. Start by tackling the most pressing matters first, and don’t forget to ask yourself if a task is necessary or can be delegated to someone else. If the answer is no, take measures to remove this distraction from your schedule so that you can focus on more important and timely tasks.

Plan ahead at the end of each day.

If you’re looking for strategies to manage your time during the workday better, try planning each day the night before. Set aside the last five minutes of every day to plan out your schedule for the next day. Having a clear plan in place before starting your day creates more motivation. It also helps to ensure you finish all your most important tasks. Additionally, it can help you incorporate unexpected tasks or requests more effectively into your schedule rather than scrambling to fit them in at the end of the day.

Say “no” or delegate.

Having a plan of action for both short-term and long-term goals and activities can help you achieve maximum productivity. Breaking down large tasks into smaller parts can also be beneficial for keeping on track and for avoiding feeling overwhelmed by an unmanageable workload. Furthermore, learning to say “no” to distractions or extra work that doesn’t align with your current priorities can go a long way in helping you stay focused and productive.

When you identify work that needs to be done but isn’t a priority for you, consider if it is something someone else on your team could do. Delegating a task is not an indication that it isn’t important. Instead, it ensures that the individual with the right skills and knowledge completes it. By reassigning the task, you can ensure that the best person for the job completes it.

Audit your tasks

Time management strategies should begin with a simple process of evaluating your team’s current tasks and workload. Determine if the work you are doing still aligns with your team’s goals and if it is necessary to complete them. If something isn’t urgently needed, consider putting it on hold or delegating it to another team member who may be better suited for the job. Consistently reviewing tasks and projects can help you prioritize your team’s initiatives more effectively.

Find ways to automate

Taking advantage of technology can be a great way to maximize efficiency. Automated platforms that analyze store performance and data can save you hours from manually doing the work. Additionally, taking advantage of time management and project management apps will help clear your head of too many tasks and ensure that everything is remembered. Streamlining your activities with these tools will create more time for you to focus on important tasks and be productive!

The Quick Wins of Time Management

Schedule Everything

Managing one’s time can be a difficult task for any busy entrepreneur. To help ensure that nothing slips through the cracks, it is best to record each task that needs to be completed constantly. This can be done with a pencil and paper or through an online calendar service. Taking the extra step of writing down tasks can go a long way in helping ensure everything gets accomplished without any details being forgotten or misremembered.

Snooze notifications

Staying focused can be difficult, but creating good time management strategies is key to efficiently complete a task. A recommended strategy is to turn off all notifications or use “Do Not Disturb” features while working on a task. This will help prevent becoming distracted or overwhelmed by other tasks vying for attention. This way, you can focus and finish your task quickly. You can also ensure that your team members know not to expect a response immediately. If they need an urgent response, they can typically override the feature if necessary.

Organize your physical space.

One quick and easy strategy for getting on track is to “clean up” your workspace. Having an orderly desk can help reduce mental clutter and make concentrating easier. Take five minutes out of your day to go through any papers, books, and miscellaneous items that have accumulated, throw away any unnecessary items, and neatly organize the rest. With a clearer physical space, staying focused on the task at hand is much easier!

Group like tasks

Grouping like tasks can help improve your productivity and reduce the energy you expend when switching between tasks. Rather than jumping between projects or deliverables throughout the day, try to focus on all the tasks related to one project or deliverable within a single period of time. Doing so will help minimize context-switching, freeing up more energy and allowing you to put that energy into higher-impact work.

Work on quick tasks in between meetings or focus time.

Boosting your productivity and achieving goals does not have to be a huge challenge. Take advantage of “micro-tasks,” small tasks that take only a few minutes to complete. These could include answering team emails, proofreading documents, or filling out forms. Utilize these micro-tasks when you find yourself with a few minutes before or after meetings, when you return from lunch, or other free time throughout the day. This maximizes efficiency and prevents wasting valuable mental energy on smaller tasks, which allows you to focus more on larger tasks that require more concentration and effort.

Stop trying to multitask

Strategies for effective time management include avoiding multitasking and focusing on one task at a time. Trying to do multiple tasks simultaneously can be seen as a myth. While it may feel like you’re completing more, your brain has to continuously switch between tasks, taking more effort and exhausting your mental energy faster than if you focused on just one job.

Instead of trying to do multiple tasks at once, focus on completing one task at a time. Doing this will help you get into the “flow state” when all your attention and energy are devoted to one task making you more productive and efficient.

Take Breaks

Unstructured or “slack” time is an integral part of effective time management strategies. Taking breaks and creating a space for leisure can ultimately increase productivity because it reduces the risk of burnout and promotes mental clarity. Scheduling regular breaks not only gives you a chance to rest but to discover creative new ideas as well. Incorporating unstructured or “me-time” into your schedule allows you to return to work with more energy, focus, and attention. It also helps reduce physical and mental fatigue in the long run, making it an essential tool for entrepreneurs looking to maximize their day.

Create a stop-doing list.

Try creating a stop-doing list. It can be the key to freeing up more of your day and helping you focus on the crucial tasks. A stop-doing list is simply a list of activities and habits that are taking up your time but don’t necessarily add value. This could include distracting social media scrolling, excessive video watching, or even meetings that don’t pertain to your work. Making an intentional plan to eliminate these unnecessary tasks could help you make more time for essential activities.

When estimating how long tasks will take, add 10-25% instead of crafting exact blocks of time. This way, if delays or glitches happen, it won’t throw off the entire schedule. Create a weekly schedule to get a better overview of what and when you need to do. With this helpful system in place, time management will become much easier!

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