Self-made millionaire drives an 18-year-old Honda Accord he bought in 2005—how it’s part of his ‘rich life’

Ramit Sethi, the renowned self-made millionaire and Netflix’s “How to Get Rich” star

Ramit Sethi, the renowned self-made millionaire and Netflix’s “How to Get Rich” star, has no plans to indulge in a luxury car anytime soon. Despite his immense success, Sethi remains content with his 2005 Honda Accord, the same car he bought right after college.

He emphasizes that his choice of vehicle is practical and well-maintained. While he acknowledges that he could easily afford a new car, it holds no significance to him.

Instead, Sethi appreciates the financial freedom that comes from having no monthly car payments. This enables him to allocate those funds towards his true priorities, such as traveling, making donations, and wise investments.

The ‘money dial’ approach

Sethi has coined this financial approach as the “money dial” strategy. The concept is simple: by reducing spending on things that don’t hold much importance to you, you free up funds to indulge more in the things you truly enjoy.

In his own words, Sethi elaborates, “I spend extravagantly on the things I love, but I cut way back mercilessly on the things I don’t.” The idea is to allocate your resources wisely, directing them towards the areas of life that bring you the most happiness and fulfillment.

For instance, if you have a passion for books, turning up the money dial in that area might mean buying more books or treating yourself to a front-row seat at an event featuring your favorite author. This way, you derive maximum value from your spending by aligning it with your genuine interests and desires.

The money dial approach empowers you to optimize your financial choices and lead a more fulfilled life.

According to Sethi, the significance of money goes far beyond mere material possessions. Money has the power to create meaning in our lives, and this is a fundamental aspect of living a truly rich and fulfilling life.

He highlights that society often conditions us to believe that money should only be used as a tool for restriction and self-denial. However, Sethi challenges this notion by advocating a more balanced approach. It’s perfectly acceptable to desire something, have the means to afford it, and then make that purchase without guilt or reservation.

This approach shifts the focus away from constant deprivation and instead encourages individuals to embrace their passions and interests. By spending more on the things we genuinely love and enjoy, we infuse our lives with greater meaning and satisfaction.

However, to maintain this balance, it is essential to be mindful of where we allocate our resources and be willing to cut back on spending in areas that are less meaningful or fulfilling to us.

In essence, the key to a rich life lies not in mindless consumption, but in purposeful spending that aligns with our values, interests, and desires. By adopting this mindset, we can make the most of our financial resources and find greater contentment in our daily lives.

Creating a ‘conscious spending plan’

Sethi emphasizes that integrating the money dial approach into your personal finances is a crucial step in developing a “conscious spending plan.” This method involves strategically allocating your money into four main categories:

  1. Fixed costs: This includes essential expenses like rent, mortgage payments, or student loan installments that are necessary for maintaining your lifestyle.
  2. Savings: A portion of your income should be dedicated to building an emergency fund, which acts as a safety net during unexpected financial challenges.
  3. Investments: Allocating funds towards long-term investments, such as contributing to a 401(k) retirement plan, helps secure your financial future.
  4. “Guilt-free spending”: This category allows you to indulge in the things you genuinely enjoy without feeling guilty. Whether it’s traveling, dining out, or other activities that bring joy, this portion of your budget is reserved for such pleasures.

By prioritizing your financial responsibilities in the fixed costs, savings, and investments categories, you ensure a stable foundation for your financial well-being.

Once these obligations are taken care of, you can use the remainder of your money for guilt-free spending, without any sense of deprivation or restraint.

Sethi believes that the conventional belief that money should only be associated with restrictions is limiting. Instead, he encourages a paradigm shift where people embrace the idea of spending more on the things they love and value.

By adopting this positive approach to money management, individuals can lead more fulfilled and meaningful lives, striking a balance between financial prudence and enjoying life’s pleasures.
