Business Tips

My Bad Habit That You Should Avoid In Running a Business

Yes, we all know that one of the benefits you could get when you have a business is freedom. We can freely do whatever and whenever we want because time doesn’t limit us.

But there will be an impending problem on your business if your main goal of putting up a business is “freedom.” Remember, any business needs proper care and attention. If you use all the time you have for unimportant things, eventually your business will close.

Why do I know? My business was nearly shut down because we were time waster before (including our employees). After we got some big clients we became complacent.

We were waking up at 8am to have our breakfast. Then at 9am we started playing video games. In the afternoon we played basketball. In the evening, that’s the time we started working (pressured and sleepy)

This is the actual video (8 years ago) how we wasted our time (I was the one who recorded this):

To make the story short, we built bad habits. Our output was poor, our clients got mad, and eventually lost. That was a hard lesson that I learned.

It’s true you have more freedom, but if we don’t put discipline in ourselves, everything you have built will be destroyed. There is a saying, it might take you 10 years to build a castle, but it can be destroyed in just 10 mins.

The lessons I’ve learned is the more freedom you’ve got, the more self-discipline you have to build.

You can enjoy your free time or freedom but we must be aware of our behavior. That’s why self-assessment is an important part of our routine. Schedule a time to think and assess all the things you’ve done and be honest with yourself.

As I always say, we need to establish success habits in our thoughts, words, and actions. Change your thoughts if you assess that you are establishing bad habits. The same manner with words and actions.

So again, we can enjoy our freedom as long as we know our limitations and we know how to discipline ourselves.

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