Career Development

The Six Ultimate Skills You Need to Get the Highest-Paying Jobs in 2021

The lucrative empire doesn’t easily fall despite global pandemics that altered the history — let alone other challenges far less bad than the COVID19. As you may have noticed, a lot of industries are still looking for viable candidates to fill their vacancies. And if you are someone who has fervor, good education, and experience, there’s a higher chance for you to get hired and to triple the amount in your wallet.

From software engineers to backend developers, there are jobs out there that are very in-demand in this era. If one of those is your niche, and you are an excellent one, at that, rest assured that you will get the pay you deserve should they decide to hire you.

However, being excellent at your job is not enough to get hired by the highest-paying companies you see on billboards. There are fields you need to take, so you can thrive in the path of highly profitable careers.

Specifically, these are the six crucial skills worth looking into if you are planning to traverse the world of high-paid employment.

1. Financial Management

Did you know that the position of a Senior Finance Manager can net you up to a shocking amount of $150,000 a year? Well, the reason for this jaw-dropping salary is that companies don’t simply hire novices for the position. 

A candidate is required to have a finance degree and at least five years of experience in the same field to be considered for the role. Once they are accepted for the position, they will be the ones who will employ cash management strategies and manage company investments to achieve the organization’s economic goals. As a financial manager, they must also use their analytical skills to assess growth opportunities.

Related course: Financial Management Specialization

2. Communications and Public Relations

If you are someone with the gift of gab, this is definitely the field for you. Receiving the Most Talkative prize in your high school is also a huge advantage. Rather than letting your talent remain as a mere prize or a title, you can enhance your communication skills and get paid no less than $100,000 a year.

One thing you should consider if you’re planning to roam this path is your social media presence. Make sure that your social media presence is like that of big companies with millions of followers: professional and remarkable.

Related course: Integrated Marketing Communications: Advertising, Public Relations, Digital Marketing and more

3. Sales

I’ve seen a post some time ago that says, “If you want to create a six-figure income, go get a college degree in sales.”  But if you want to get to the six-figure bracket in no time, I’d say that you get that degree in a top business school. Those who graduated from the top universities in the USA earn six-figure incomes as early as their starting year. How cool is that?

Unfortunately, for those who stutter during a sales pitch and easily get nervous while talking to an employer, this field can be quite challenging for you. Regardless, you can still improve your skills by watching sales training videos online. Rest assured that these videos can help you hone your skills and boost your confidence to secure the position — or the bag.

Related course: The Art of Sales: Mastering the Selling Process Specialization

4. Project management

Having the role of a project manager requires you to have an excellent entrepreneurial mindset. At the same time, they need to have first-hand knowledge and technical know-how of the tasks that they assign to others.

Project managers are also the ones who identify and evaluate potential risks even before the project begins. And if risks are unavoidable, they must know how to minimize their impact.

While project management is a very stressful job, the amount of time you spend studying will be worth it in the long run. According to, the median amount for this position is about $92,000 up to $120,000.

Related course: Project Management Principles and Practices Specialization

5. Writing

If writing is such a highly-paid job, why are there writers who still struggle to make ends meet? Well, the reason is that it depends on their niche and creativity skills. If your niche is about celebrity culture, banking, or sports, chances are that you can make mint in this highly-coveted field.

To ultimately impress your employer, you must know how to construct sentences creatively and appropriately depending on your audience. Plus, having amazing proofreading skills can help you with your career as a writer.

Related course: Good with Words: Writing and Editing Specialization

6. Life coach

Once again, the gift of gab is brought up on this list. This time, your gift of gab revolves around public speaking in hopes of changing other people’s lives for the better.

There are a lot of ways to hone this skill, but I believe that the best way is to engage with your audience in an outdoor environment. But if the situation won’t allow you to do so, you can keep in touch with them periodically online. You can also let them know that you are available anytime they want to reach out.

There are a lot of good careers out there depending on your goals and calling. But if your goal is to get that six-figure salary, these skills will surely help you reach that goal in no time.

Related course: Conversations That Inspire: Coaching Learning, Leadership and Change

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