The 10 Most Popular Courses Among Job Seekers

Looking for a new job at a time when the world is experiencing a massive talent migration can be both exciting and intimidating. Many professionals are looking to advance their careers by changing jobs.

To help you make stand out, take one of the 10 Most Popular Courses among job seekers. These will help you hone the skills that will help you get your next job.

Topping the list are classic skills that every employer requires. Most individuals of different companies use Excel regardless of their role. Excel is a tool that can help you perform complex calculations using simple formulas. Strategic thinking and awareness of unconscious bias are also essential skills. These courses can assist you in making the appropriate statements to prove your ability to bring these skills to the job.

The 10 Most Popular Courses for Job Seekers in 2021

1. Excel Essential Training with Dennis Taylor

What you’ll learn: Across companies and industries worldwide, Excel is an organizational lynchpin for managing, calculating, and analyzing data. The more knowledgeable you are in it, the more valuable you’ll be. Excel expert Dennis Taylor helps accelerate your learning curve in functions like PivotTables and chart building. You’ll discover techniques to navigate multiple worksheets, and formatting shortcuts across the platform to help save time and ace any interview assignment.

2. Strategic Thinking with Dorie Clark

What you’ll learn: As you work to get hired at your next gig, showing that you can think and communicate about macro and micro initiatives today and with the future in mind, is essential. This course teaches professionals how to use strategic thinking to guide teams and develop solutions to key business problems. Follow Dorie Clark as she shares ways to carve out time to gather data, review past decisions, create a vision for the future, and help this skill shine through in an interview.

3. Unconscious Bias with Stacey Gordon

What you’ll learn: The need to maintain honest and open communications about unperceived bias in the workplace is integral to personal relationships, job performance, and overall productivity. Diversity expert Stacey Gordon shares thoughts on the most common forms of bias and strategies for identifying and overcoming those personal or even organizational biases.

4. Speaking Confidently and Effectively with Pete Mockaitis

What you’ll learn: In an interview, this skill is essential. Adapted from the podcast How to Be Awesome at Your Job, Pete Mockaitis hosts professional speaker Diane DiResta as she offers ways to control your focus, ensure consistency in delivery, and learn how to handle difficult situations.

5. SQL Essential Training with Bill Weinman

What you’ll learn: Valuable working knowledge of this most common language for database wrangling with tech advocate and programming expert Bill Weinman. Learn key functions like creating tables, defining relationships, manipulating strings, numbers, and dates; using triggers to automate actions; and using subselects and views. Also included in the final chapter is a real-world example of building a simple application using SQL.

6. Agile Foundations with Doug Rose

What you’ll learn: Demonstrating that you embrace an agile mindset that can help you prioritize customers and create a more horizontal team framework that welcomes input from all can help in an interview. Join Doug Rose as he covers the values and principles in the agile manifesto, explores communication with user stories and cross-functional teams, and shares exercises to boost your team’s agility.

7. Communicating with Confidence with Jeff Ansell

What you’ll learn: Whether you’re afraid to speak in public or desire to hone your skills to be more effective at it, better communication is a vital interview skill that can open doors and advance careers. In this course, you’ll learn how to organize your thoughts, breathe properly, use your body and words to express ideas, and understand how to overcome anxiety.

8. Expert Tips for Answering Common Interview Questions with Jenny Foss and Linda Raynier

What you’ll learn: There are certain questions that interviewers volley at nearly all interviewees—regardless of the position or industry—in an attempt to get a read on their personality and potential. Whether you’re vying for a gig as an IT specialist or sales manager, you’ll likely be asked about your strengths and weaknesses, your leadership style, and other basic professional attributes. In this collection of bite-sized videos, get expert tips that can help you confidently tackle these and other common questions—and, ultimately, ace your next job interview. Plus, get insights on how to dress for your interview, project confidence with your body language, negotiate your salary, and more.

9. Python Essential Training with Bill Weinman

What you’ll learn: Brush up on the basics of the language syntax and usage, as well as advanced features such as objects, generators, and exceptions for Python 3. Learn how types and values are related to objects; how to use control statements, loops, and functions; and how to work with generators and decorators. Bill also introduces the Python module system and shows examples of Python scripting at work in a real-world application.

10. Learning Excel with David Rivers

What you’ll learn: This course is the best first step for anyone looking to brush up on Excel before an interview. Instructor David Rivers walks you through the full gamut of features and capabilities to begin creating and opening workbooks, entering text and numbers, working with formulas, basic formatting, inserting charts, and sharing and printing workbooks.

The very fundamentals of work as we know it are changing. Upgrading and adapting your skill set now can help enhance your value in your current role, bring added value to your organization, and set you up for the next step in your career.