How to Do Influencer Marketing the Right Way in 2023

Having been a part of the digital marketing landscape for years, you’ve personally witnessed the rapid transformations in marketing and advertising over the last twenty years. At the outset of your career, the only individuals considered as “influencers” for potential collaboration were celebrities prominent in radio, print, or television commercials – a costly option that often eluded small businesses and marketing firms.

Throughout the past decade, a significant shift has taken place. Presently, there exist approximately 50 million influencers worldwide who can be enlisted for collaborations. This shift signifies two essential aspects: firstly, influencer marketing has become more budget-friendly and attainable for a larger pool of marketers, and secondly, your influencer marketing endeavors must attain excellence to distinguish themselves in the current marketplace, which is saturated with influencers.

Whether you’re an influencer seeking insights or a marketer aiming to engage one, this article is tailored to enhance your influencer marketing strategies in 2023. Below, you’ll find the foremost recommendations that I’ve personally employed to elevate my influencer marketing outcomes this year, whether you’re collaborating with Instagram influencers, LinkedIn figures, or YouTubers.

Keep it modest, plain and relatable

In a world where flamboyance and boldness often attract attention, there exists a paradoxical but convincing case for influencers to embrace a more unpretentious approach.

Relatability and authenticity: By adopting a modest demeanor and appearance, influencers can establish a profound connection with their followers. This projects an image of authenticity and approachability, engendering trust and credibility.

Expanding the target audience: A down-to-earth persona enables influencers to resonate with a wider array of individuals. Not everyone identifies with or aspires to opulence or extravagance.

Timelessness and resilience: Trends ebb and flow, with today’s vogue becoming tomorrow’s memory. On the other hand, a simple, relatable disposition has an enduring quality that can maintain relevance and influence over the long haul.

To harness these advantages, I recommend seeking influencers (or embodying these traits yourself) who embody these qualities, favoring them over overly polished and extravagant personas.

Never overpromise

Certainly, there’s one aspect that I am not particularly fond of: influencers who make lofty promises. While it might be tempting to formulate extravagant assertions in a bid to grab attention and amass followers, this approach can adversely impact one’s credibility and enduring triumph.

Always bear in mind that upholding trust and authenticity should be of paramount importance. If you commit to a promise you cannot fulfill or hint at results that aren’t universally achievable, you’re essentially laying the groundwork to rupture that crucial foundation of trust.

Instead, direct your attention towards your actual achievements and the potential benefits the audience could derive from the product or service. Utilize conditional language and steer clear of making definite promises or guarantees. Not only does this approach tend to lack honesty, but it also can infringe upon legal boundaries.

Stay on-brand

Maintaining brand consistency is of utmost importance. From my perspective, I find it preferable to cultivate close relationships with influencers who are primarily dedicated to my brands. This approach ensures that the influencer isn’t perceived as representing a multitude of diverse brands, each potentially lacking uniform identities, messages, or values.

This isn’t intended to exert excessive control over the influencers you collaborate with. Rather, it’s a strategy aimed at upholding the trust and authenticity that your audience expects.

Consider the sentiments of your target demographic. For instance, if you’re a vegan food provider, envision the potential reaction if your key influencer is seen endorsing a supermarket that stocks meat and animal products. Although seemingly innocuous, this scenario can inadvertently trigger offense and erode trust among those upon whom your reliability hinges.

Choose quality over quantity

This connects with the earlier advice I provided about establishing close-knit relationships with influencers. In your case, consider collaborating with just one influencer per market segment. This approach enables you to cultivate the crucial trust and familiarity between your audience and the influencer who embodies your brand’s identity.

I would suggest, for the most part, following suit by working with a single influencer. If you embark on a hiring spree and engage multiple influencers, you might compromise the potential for face recognition and the development of strong connections that, in my view, play a pivotal role in a successful influencer marketing campaign.

Set goals and hold yourself to them

Objectives tend to yield optimal results when they’re accompanied by deadlines and key performance indicators (KPIs). In your campaigns, it’s beneficial to assess their efficacy within three-month intervals, based on quantifiable and measurable KPIs that can be tracked using web analysis or SEO analytics tools:

  1. Monthly count of unique organic website visitors
  2. Accumulated backlinks
  3. Referring domains
  4. Total monthly impressions
  5. Gross revenue per month

If, quarter after quarter, your goals aren’t being achieved, it’s wise to reassess your campaign. Start by making minor adjustments and modifications to your ad spending. If these efforts continue to fall short, only then should you contemplate exploring new influencer collaborations.

Admittedly, a significant portion of today’s consumers are experiencing fatigue from the abundance of influencers. This places the onus on you to concentrate on influencers who come across as anything but typical influencers. Instead, focus on those who exude qualities of authenticity, trustworthiness, and a strong value foundation.

Should you incorporate the aforementioned advice into your upcoming campaign, there’s a good chance you’ll witness an enhancement in your ROI. This approach has yielded positive results for me in recent years. However, it’s important to acknowledge that each person’s journey will differ, and not all marketers or influencers will attain success by applying the same formula. Ultimately, the pathway to marketing triumph is distinct for everyone.