People who stay happy have these 12 habits in common

Have you ever been curious about those individuals who always seem to be cheerful? Do you wonder what their secret is, or if there’s some magical elixir they consume to stay perpetually happy?

The answer isn’t rooted in magic. These people have cultivated specific habits that contribute to their happiness—and the good news is, you can adopt these habits starting today!

Join us as we explore 12 common habits shared by consistently happy individuals.

1. They Start Their Day with Gratitude

We’ve all heard the saying, “The early bird catches the worm,” haven’t we? However, it’s not just about being early; it’s also about the happy birds taking a moment to savor and appreciate their catch! In simpler terms, those who are often happy make it a practice to begin their day with a sense of gratitude.

Imagine this: Rather than expressing annoyance at the sound of the alarm clock, these individuals wake up and immerse themselves in thoughts of things they are thankful for.

The subjects of their gratitude can be diverse, ranging from the coziness of their beds, the invigorating scent of freshly brewed morning coffee, or the melodic songs of birds outside their windows.

This practice of gratitude serves as a catalyst for starting the day with positivity. What makes this even more appealing is its simplicity! One can jot down their thoughts in a gratitude journal or simply pause for a moment to mentally acknowledge the things they appreciate.

Practical Tip: Each morning, before your feet touch the ground, make it a habit to identify three things for which you are grateful. They don’t have to be profound; even the simple joys like the softness of your pillow or the golden hues of the sunrise can be powerful anchors of gratitude.

2. They Stay in the Present

That familiar adage, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift—that’s why it’s called the present,” is not just a string of words but a mantra for the genuinely contented souls among us.

Rather than getting entangled in the regrets of the past or the uncertainties of the future, they choose to anchor themselves in the present.

Every moment, whether it’s the flavors of their breakfast, the melodies of their cherished tunes, or the gentle touch of the breeze against their skin, is an experience to be wholly absorbed and relished.

This approach to life doesn’t imply a lack of foresight or planning for what’s ahead. It simply underscores their commitment not to allow anxieties of future events to overshadow the joys found in today’s moments.

Practical Tip: To embed this philosophy into your daily life, indulge in mindfulness practices. Spend a few minutes each day engaging in activities like deep breathing or meditation that center your thoughts and emotions in the present, enhancing your ability to fully experience and appreciate the ‘now.’

3. They Surround Themselves with Positive People

A couple of years back, I was entrenched in a phase of despondency. It felt as if a cloud of melancholy had enveloped me, with every aspect of my life spiraling into a vortex of misfortune. One day, a friend, discerning my struggle, offered a piece of advice that profoundly altered my perspective.

“You mirror the traits of the five individuals you most frequently associate with,” he told me.

This revelation struck me with the force of a thunderbolt. In retrospection, I discerned a pattern where my time was predominantly occupied by individuals harbored a pessimistic outlook, incessantly lamenting their circumstances, and perpetually viewing the glass as half empty.

Prompted by this realization, I instigated a change. I gravitated towards companions who exuded positivity, whose presence was invigorating, and whose perspectives inspired optimism and enthusiasm.

As my social landscape transformed, so did my emotional and mental state. A renewed vigor and a brighter outlook on life replaced the erstwhile gloom.

This metamorphosis underscores a common trait amongst those perpetually imbued with happiness—they meticulously curate their social surroundings to be infused with positivity. They are selective, opting for the company of those who instill inspiration and encouragement.

Practical Tip: Assess your social environment. Be intentional about investing time with individuals who infuse positivity and energy into your life, and consider distancing yourself from those who are persistently negative. This conscious choice can be a pivotal step towards a more joyful and fulfilled life.

4. They Practice Regular Physical Activity

Are you aware of the profound impact physical activity can have on your emotional well-being? A body of research substantiates the claim that individuals engaging in regular physical exercises exude a higher level of happiness compared to their inactive counterparts.

The intensity of the activity isn’t a determining factor; even mild exercises can incite a noticeable uplift in mood. A swift walk in your vicinity can be a potent mood enhancer.

This mood elevation is attributed to the secretion of endorphins, chemicals that act as the body’s innate antidepressants. Engaging in physical activities instigates the release of these hormones, diminishing stress and augmenting positivity.

Happy individuals often incorporate a regimen of physical activity into their lifestyles. Be it a rigorous session at the gym, a tranquil yoga session, or a refreshing bicycle ride; movement is a staple.

A modicum of physical exertion can be instrumental in elevating your emotional state.

Practical Tip: Inscribe a reminder in your daily schedule to indulge in brief physical activities—be it a leisurely stroll, a stretching session, or a condensed workout. A mere 10-minute engagement can yield substantial upliftment in your mood!

5. They Give More Than They Take

Happy people radiate a unique charm that is anchored in their belief in the art of giving. They have an intrinsic understanding that the quintessence of happiness is not harvested from the abundance of material acquisitions or self-serving endeavors but is cultivated through extending benevolence and positively impacting the lives of others.

There’s an immeasurable sense of satisfaction and warmth that emerges from the act of illuminating another person’s day. The gestures need not be grand; even acts as simple as offering a smile to a passerby, assisting a neighbor with their groceries, or dedicating time to volunteer activities can be profoundly gratifying.

The ethos of giving is not unilateral. While it bestows joy upon the recipient, it simultaneously enriches the giver’s soul, rendering a fulfilling, encompassing experience.

A sentiment eloquently articulated by Mother Teresa resonates profoundly here, “We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”

Happy people are embodiments of this philosophy. They recognize that each gesture of goodwill, irrespective of its scale, cumulatively contributes to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

Practical Tip: Endeavor to integrate a routine of executing at least one random act of kindness weekly. It could be as effortless as covering the cost of a stranger’s coffee or leaving an uplifting message for a co-worker. Every droplet of kindness enriches the ocean of humanity.

6. They Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

There was a time when the prospect of failure instilled in me a profound terror. The anxiety of making mistakes or falling short of expectations was enough to induce insomnia. However, an incident unfolded that radically reoriented my perception of failure.

I was engrossed in a project, one that I was deeply passionate about. I devoted countless hours, investing my heart and soul, but alas, the outcome was not as anticipated. A prevailing sense of disappointment enveloped me; a sense of having failed not just myself but those around me.

In this moment of despondency, my father imparted wisdom that resonated deeply. He said, “Failure isn’t about being knocked down; it’s about refusing to rise again.”

This insight instigated a revelation. It dawned upon me that the epitome of success isn’t characterized by the absence of failures, but by the indomitable spirit of perseverance. Those who ascend to pinnacles of achievement are not immune to failures; rather, they perceive failures as transient setbacks, a redirection towards something even more splendid.

Embracing this perspective marked the commencement of my journey towards a new interpretation of failure. It was no longer an ominous cloud of dread but a gateway to enrichment, a learning curve, a stepping stone to evolution. This shift in mindset was transformative.

This is a sentiment intimately familiar to individuals blessed with an innate happiness. They perceive adversities not as insurmountable obstacles but as fertile grounds for growth. They harbor an unyielding spirit, undeterred by challenges, ever-willing to traverse beyond the confines of their comfort zones.

When confronted with setbacks, they rise, cleanse themselves of the residue of defeat, and venture into the fray anew, undeterred.

Practical Tip: In the wake of a setback, take a moment to articulate your learnings. Jot down the insights gleaned and strategies for their application in forthcoming endeavors. Each stumbling block, when reflected upon, morphs into a stepping stone for future triumphs.

7. They’re Not Afraid to Say No

There’s a prevailing notion propagated by societal norms that advocates for constant agreeability, a perpetual inclination to acquiesce, and an unceasing affirmation to every proposition. However, in reality, such an approach is a direct pathway to exhaustive burnout.

Those who are perpetually content have mastered a crucial skill: the art of saying no. They recognize the intrinsic value of their time and energy and are judicious in their allocation. They are adept at prioritizing and are unhesitant in their refusal to commitments that do not resonate with their core values or objectives.

Their declinations are not marred by guilt or apprehension about societal perception. They are anchored in self-respect, a clear demarcation of boundaries, and an unwavering commitment to preserving their mental well-being.

Practical Tip: Cultivate the art of assertive communication. In instances where your capacity to commit is constrained, offer a polite yet firm declination, supplemented by a succinct explanation, such as existing prior engagements. This practice fosters self-respect and the preservation of mental equilibrium.

8. They Nurture Their Relationships

Are you aware that robust and positive interpersonal relationships are fundamental cornerstones to elevating happiness quotients?

Indeed, a comprehensive study spearheaded by Harvard University underscores a compelling correlation between the richness of relationships and the amplification of happiness. The intricate bonds we weave with family, friends, and partners are pivotal in enhancing our overall well-being.

Individuals characterized by a perennial state of happiness are attuned to this intrinsic connection. They are intentional in fostering and fortifying their relationships, investing not just time but emotional energy to augment these interpersonal connections.

Their presence is a constant, through the crescendos of jubilation and the troughs of adversity. It’s a commitment beyond the peripheral social engagements, delving into the realm of profound, substantive connections that imbue life with enriched meaning.

So, pause and dedicate moments to reconnect with a cherished friend, to engage in intimate family dinners, or to kindle romantic sparks with your partner through dedicated date nights. These enriched moments of connectivity serve as wellsprings of joy and fulfillment.

Practical Tip: Institutionalize periodic engagements with those you hold dear. It could manifest as scheduled weekly conversations with a distant family member or recurrent monthly gatherings with friends. These consistent interactions nurture the roots of relationships, fostering growth and enrichment.

9. They Take Time for Themselves

I gleaned a pivotal insight, albeit through a strenuous experience: one cannot extend replenishment from a depleted reserve. A few orbits around the sun ago, I found myself encapsulated within the roles of an employee, spouse, and friend, each demanding an excerpt of my essence. I was under the impression that my juggling act was commendable until unexpectedly, I collided with an insurmountable barricade. Exhaustion had claimed its territory.

This juncture illuminated a stark realization: amidst my fervent endeavor to be a sanctuary for others, I had inadvertently neglected my own sanctuary.

In response, I initiated a ritual of dedicating exclusive moments to myself. These moments could encapsulate the tranquil enjoyment of a steaming cup of coffee, the immersive experience of traversing through the pages of a book, or the serene amble amidst nature’s embrace.

This infusion of solitude was akin to the invigorating gusts of fresh air. It facilitated relaxation, replenishment, and realignment of focus. Intrinsically, this practice endowed me with an enhanced capacity to fulfill my diverse roles with enriched vigor.

Content individuals are well-acquainted with this ethos—they appreciate the indispensable nature of self-nurturing. In their wisdom, moments dedicated to self are not deemed as indulgence but as a quintessential necessity.

Practical Tip: Allocate a minimum of 15 minutes daily to immerse in an activity or hobby that rejuvenates your spirit. It could be as simple yet profound as reading, nurturing plants, or basking in the harmonious strains of music. Every drop of self-care contributes to an ocean of holistic well-being.

10. They Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Life is interspersed with a myriad of minor vexations.

Perhaps you’ve had instances of splattering coffee on a pristine white attire, encountered the exasperation of a delayed bus, or been at the receiving end of an abrupt cut-off in traffic.

However, a distinguishing attribute of happy individuals is their resilient immunity to the tumultuous waves caused by such trivial inconveniences. They possess a mastered ability to rise above these momentary irritations.

In their understanding, life is inherently interspersed with unforeseen and uncontrollable events. Their response is not characterized by vehement reactions but by a composed acceptance and a gracious ‘letting go’. They reserve their emotional and mental energies for matters of consequential significance.

So, when the next trivial inconvenience attempts to breach your bastion of peace, inhale a deep breath and gracefully let it dissipate into insignificance. The sanctuary of your happiness is too esteemed to be breached by ephemeral disturbances.

Practical Tip: In moments of encroaching annoyances, pose a reflective question to yourself, “Will this hold significance a year down the lane?” If the answer resonates with negation, allow the perturbation to flow past, leaving your inner tranquility undisturbed.

11. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others

Confronting a harsh reality: joy is often sabotaged by the insidious act of comparison.

In the digital age, it’s effortlessly commonplace to immerse oneself in the endless scrolls of social media, getting engrossed in the curated successes of others, leading to an undermining sentiment of inadequacy.

However, individuals characterized by a state of contentment are immune to this pervasive trap.

They are enlightened by the realization that every individual is navigating a distinct path, embellished with its exclusive set of virtues, trials, and rhythms. They concentrate their energies on personal evolution and milestones, eschewing the allure of comparative evaluation.

It’s paramount to internalize that your intrinsic worth is an autonomous entity, unswayed by external appraisals or recognitions.

Practical Tip: Modulate your engagement with social media, or be selective in endorsing platforms that radiate inspiration and empowerment, steering clear of those engendering feelings of insufficiency or inadequacy.

12. They Choose Happiness

Perhaps the most candid and unvarnished reality is this: happiness is a deliberate choice. Indeed, life is replete with unpredictable turns, and there are phases when the celestial canopy appears persistently overcast.

Yet, amidst these oscillating tides, individuals imbued with happiness exhibit a remarkable penchant for discerning the glimmering strands of silver amidst the clouds.

Their faith is anchored in the transformative prowess of a positive outlook. Each dawn heralds a conscious recommitment to the embrace of joy, a reaffirmation of optimism.

They are adept at cataloging the abundance of blessings that adorn their existence, echoing the resonant symphony of goodness that pervades the ambient world.

In the grand tapestry of existence, happiness emerges not as a spontaneous occurrence but a conscious, deliberate election—one within the empowering grasp of every individual.

Practical Tip: Inaugurate each dawn with a mantra of positivity. A simple affirmation akin to, “Today unfurls a fresh chapter, and I am resolute in my embrace of the inherent goodness,” can be a catalyst for a journey steeped in joy.